Page 402 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 402


                             Funding   Total Prior                                               Beyond /
              Project number                     FY 2023  FY 2024   FY 2025   FY 2026  FY 2027               Total
                             Source    Funding                                                   Unfunded
                            Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at North Park as per the as per the adopted Southlake
              North Park    2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: additional parking, potential fourth athletic
              Improvements  field, trail connectivity and distance markers, water bottle refill station, shade structure, additional public art, and park

              2022-63       SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0  $1,760,000  $1,760,000

                            Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Koalaty Park as per the adopted Southlake 2035
              Koalaty Park
              Improvements  Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: park restroom, shade structures, seating areas,
                            park amenities, vehicle drop off, decorative bollards and lighting where appropriate, and landscape improvements.
              2022-64       SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0  $1,095,000  $1,095,000

                            Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Family Park within Southlake Town Square as per
                            the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  Current project scope includes: Complete park
              Family Park
                            redevelopment, landscape, hardscape, park amenities, fountain enhancements, bollards at Fountain Place and outdoor
                            collaborative workspace.
              2022-66c      SPDC             $0        $0  $4,000,000  $4,000,000   $0       $0         $0  $8,000,000

                            Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at McPherson Park within Southlake Town Square as
                            per the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  This project would be driven by future Town
                            Square development adjacent to the Granite office building.  Current project scope includes: park redevelopment, reshaping
              McPherson Park
                            pond to increase usable space, promenade, gateway park entry features, hardscape path and seat wall around pond,
                            terraced steps to the pond, great lawn, crushed stone pathways, stronger connection to the hotel, water features, feature
                            fountains in pond, sculptures, and enhanced parking and access to the park.
              2022-67c      SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0  $7,120,000  $7,120,000

                            Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Chesapeake Park as per the as per the adopted
              Chesapeake Park Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: park restroom, pavilion, tennis,
              Improvements  pickleball and/or basketball courts, trail connectivity, park signage, landscape improvements, playground shade structure,
                            fence improvements, additional parking, exercise stations, bike racks and other park amenities.
              2022-68       SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0  $3,050,000  $3,050,000

              Lonesome      Funding is planned for improvements at Lonesome Dove Park as per the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation &
              Dove Park     Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: exercise stations, pedestrian bridge improvements, wayfinding and
              Improvements  educational signage, and park amenities.
              2022-69       SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0    $515,000  $515,000

              Royal & Annie   Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Royal & Annie Smith Park as per the adopted
              Smith Park    Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: passive uses such as frisbee
              Improvements  golf or other, signage, trail connectivity, park restroom, water bottle refill station, and park amenities.

              2022-70       SPDC             $0        $0       $0        $0        $0       $0    $625,000  $625,000

                                                                             BUDGET BOOK   |  FY 2023 City of Southlake  401
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