Page 401 - Southlake FY23 Budget
P. 401



                         Funding   Total Prior                                               Beyond /
          Project number                     FY 2023   FY 2024  FY 2025   FY 2026   FY 2027              Total
                          Source   Funding                                                   Unfunded
                        Funding is requested for the design and development of Southlake Sports Complex improvements as per the adopted
                        Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  Scope includes: synthetic turf at expanded large field,
                        synthetic turf on baseball fields, demo of existing metal building, concession/restroom building, pavilions and shade
          Southlake Sports structures, parks maintenance and storage building, fully accessible playground, trail development and connectivity, fitness
          Complex       stations, batting cages, entry feature, field and common area improvements, parking, two park entrances, drop off zone,
                        fencing, landscape & irrigation enhancements, public art, park amenities, the inclusion of the current Public Works Service
                        Center site as additional park and open space to include pickleball courts, sand volleyball courts, drainage enhancements,
                        pond and pond amenities, playground, trails, pavilion and shade structures, and park amenities.
          2022-60       SPDC       $11,950,000  $4,000,000  $2,750,000 $17,800,000  $0    $0        $0 $36,500,000


                        Funding is requested for the design and development of a pickleball complex within Bicentennial Park as per the adopted
          Bicentennial Park Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  Scope includes: pickleball courts, fencing, lighting, pavilion/
                        shade structures, benches, tables, chairs, landscape, hardscape, irrigation, trail connectivity and other park amenities.

          2022-59       SPDC       $1,250,000  $2,600,000    $0       $0        $0        $0        $0  $3,850,000

          Matching Funds
                        The purpose of this item is to provide for a minimum balance of $200,000 annually within the Southlake Parks Development
          SPDC Matching   Corporation (SPDC) Capital Budget in support of the City’s SPDC Matching Funds Program as per the recommendations of
                        the Parks and Recreation Board and SPDC. The current available funding is shown in the “Total Prior Funding” column.
          2022-57       SPDC         $549,134  $170,000      $0       $0        $0        $0        $0    $719,134

          Future Projects
          Parks Land    The purpose of this item is to establish a project fund to provide cash for the acquisition of land for open space and park use
          Acquisition   as per the adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.
          2022-58       SPDC       $1,500,000      $0        $0       $0        $0        $0        $0  $1,500,000

                        Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Bob Jones Park as per the adopted Southlake 2035
                        Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan. The project scope includes improvements such as: park aesthetics; softball
                        complex spectator areas, restrooms and concession building; soccer complex restrooms and concession/park maintenance
          Bob Jones Park  building; athletic fields; equestrian area; shade structures; parking; landscaping; tree planting; irrigation; water elements
          Improvements  at equestrian area and dog park; softball complex playground; fencing; trail connectivity and marking; park and wayfinding
                        signage; enhanced park entrances; park and parking lot lighting; park amenities; park maintenance/storage building
                        improvements, new pavilions/restrooms, public art, expanded trails, water bottle refill stations, additional parking, pickleball
                        courts, expansion of athletic fields, and conversion of grass athletic fields to synthetic turf where appropriate.

          2022-61       SPDC              $0       $0        $0       $0  $4,000,000  $4,000,000 $24,200,000 $32,200,000

                        Funding is planned for the design and development of improvements at Liberty Park at Sheltonwood as per the as per the
          Liberty Park at   adopted Southlake 2035 Parks, Recreation & Open Space Master Plan.  The project scope includes: water well for pond,
          Sheltonwood   park amenities, playground, expand parking, trail connectivity and improvements, volleyball court improvements, park and
          Improvements  educational signage, expand existing pond, exercise stations along trail, trail distance markers, and pedestrian corridor from
                        parking to center of the park.

          2022-62       SPDC              $0       $0        $0       $0        $0        $0  $3,255,000  $3,255,000

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