Page 165 - CityofMansfieldFY23Budget
P. 165

N         O          R         T          H
             Goal #2                                              ●

              Implement new techniques using technology and people to increase compliance rate.

              1. Increase warrant clearance by contacting defendants using postcards, letters, automated calls and text messages.
              2. Increase the use of Tyler Notify to inform defendants of newly issued citations, court hearings, past due payments, active warrants,
              3. Implement new methods to increase clearance rate of incoming cases.
              4. Continue to use strategies to increase collection of monetary penalties.

                                                                           Actual    Actual    Budget     Budget
             Performance Measures                                        2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
              Warrants Cleared                                             1,637      651        300       1,000
              Calls and Text Messages Sent                                 3,761     8,557      9,000      9,000
              Clearance Rate                                               75%        76%       80%        85%
              Collection of Monetary Penalties                           $     1,032,599  1,534,053  $     1,300,000  $     1,300,000

                                                                  N         O          R         T          H
             Goal #3                                                        ●

              Continue to improve professionalism and education within the department.

              1. Provide annual skills-based training for staff through TMCEC.
              2. Train clerks efficiently when new legislation is introduced, amended or mandated.
              3. Promote and encourage clerks to obtain their Level I, Level II, and Level III Certification through the TCCA Certification Program.
              4. Promote education programs that enhance training on issues of fairness and diversity designed to minimize the appearance of bias
              and other barriers facing court users.

                                                                           Actual    Actual    Budget     Budget
             Performance Measures                                        2019-2020  2020-2021  2021-2022  2022-2023
               Annual Staff Training                                      12 hours  12 hours   12 hours  12 hours
               Legistative Training                                       4 hours    4 hours   4 hours    4 hours
               Certified Clerks                                            60%        80%       50%        80%

                   Municipal Court                    2020-2021    2021-2022     2022-2023    2022-2023
                   Full Time Equivilent Positions       Budget       Budget       Budget       Change
                   Municipal Judge*                      0.5           0             0
                   Court Administrator                    1            1             1
                   Deputy Court Clerk                     4            4             4
                   Total                                 5.5           5             5            0
                   * The Municipal Court Judge is now contracted out.

               Contact: Daniela Soria, 817-276-4703

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