Page 82 - CityofHaltomFY23Budget
P. 82

CITY OF HALTOM CITY ANNUAL BUDGET, FY2023                     General Fund

          Emergency Management

                 Accomplishments of FY2022

              ◊  Completed the upgrade of the Outdoor Warning Siren System and hired a new maintenance
              ◊  Implemented a new Public Notification System, increasing the city’s outreach capabilities
                  from ~8% of the population to ~90% of the population.
              ◊  Compliant to Senate Bill 968, relating to public health disaster and public health emergency
                  preparedness and response; implemented and updated the city’s State of Texas Emergency
                  Assistance Registry program.
              ◊  Conducted four “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event” and “Stop the Bleed” trainings
                  for the public.
              ◊  As  a  member of  Birdville Independent School  District’s  (BISD)  Emergency Operations
                  Committee, we conducted an annual review of their Multi-Hazard Plan.
              ◊  Implemented a new Community Health Specialist Position.
              ◊  Conducted an annual review of the Emergency Management Plan.

                     Objectives for FY2023

              ◊  Increase the department’s public outreach through community engagement, growing our
                  presence at city events, and via social media platforms.
              ◊  Develop and conduct an active shooter exercise with BISD and local stakeholders.
              ◊  Continue  to implement  National  Incident Management  System framework and provide
                  training and program updates to city staff as necessary.
              ◊  Increase the outreach and presence of the Community Health Specialist with our vulnerable
              ◊  Conduct “Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event” and “Stop the Bleed” trainings for all
                  city departments and increase trainings in the community.
              ◊  Hire and implement the new Emergency Management Specialist Position.
              ◊  Complete annual review of Emergency Management Plan.

                                                                   Actual      Adopted      Projected     Adopted
             EXPENDITURES                                          FY 2021     FY 2022       FY 2022      FY 2023
             Personnel                                              $98,466      $123,075      $123,075    $471,319
             Operations                                                   0            0             0       28,202
             Total                                                  $98,466      $123,075      $123,075    $499,521

                                                                   Actual      Adopted      Projected     Adopted
             STAFFING                                 Class Range  FY2021      FY 2022       FY2022       FY2023
             Director of Emergency Preparedness and Outreach*3201  79  0          0             0            1
             Community Healthcare Specialist**        3202   76       0           0             0            1
             Emergency Management Analyst             3203   55       0           0             0            1
             Fire Inspector***                        3409   51       0           0             0            1
             Total                                                   0            0            0             4
             *New department; title change for Emergency Management Coordinator
             **Community Healthcare moved from Police Department
             ***Fire Inspector moved from Planning Department
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87