Page 159 - Grapevine FY23 Adopted Budget (1)
P. 159
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23
EXPENDITURES BY OBJECT Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
Personnel 889,059 864,451 960,137 906,063 959,943
Supplies 107,521 61,754 169,000 123,130 182,100
Maintenance 95,864 60,968 94,000 70,641 84,500
Services 368,721 447,589 384,600 636,754 497,800
Total 1,461,165 1,434,762 1,607,737 1,736,588 1,724,343
- Increase revenues at all CVB rental facilities (Convention Center, Palace Arts Center, Concourse, Historic Cottonbelt Railroad District,
Grapevine Main Station and Grapevine Farmers & Artisan Markets).
- Increase number of new and repeat clients.
- Direct overflow event referrals to Grapevine hotels and other local meeting venues.
- Update and expand the building maintenance program for all CVB facilities.
- Development and implementation of a facilities marketing program.
- Expand and promote entertainment, performing arts, and movies at Palace Arts Center.
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2021-22 2022-23
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Actual Actual Budget Estimate Approved
Convention Center events held 226 164 294 242 291
Convention Center building usage (days) 283 205 340 342 413
Palace Arts Center number of events held. 289 359 375 462 559
Palace Arts Center building usage (days) 289 359 387 462 559
Concourse number of events held 36 16 45 21 0
Concourse building usage (days) 45 18 49 19 0
Grapevine Main Meeting Rooms events held NA 7 165 50 64
Grapevine Main Meeting Rooms building usage (days) NA 7 165 50 64
Number of Gazebo rental applications 8 22 24 18 22
All facilities number of repeat bookings 157 196 337 288 348
All facilities number of new client bookings 101 98 179 174 210
Number of leads referred to other facilities 339 205 375 118 142
All facilities economic impact $3,534,120 $3,044,983 $4,580,991 $4,684,464 $5,668,201
Number of CVB sponsored events (i.e. HDGA, TWGGA, WPS, 88 106 125 134 155
CVB Board, etc.)
Grapevine Farmers & Artisan Market Attendance 6,890 37,550 32,450 34,400 41,624
Grapevine Farmers & Artisan Market Vendor Participants 245 480 661 348 421