Page 155 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
P. 155

Number of household hazardous                                                          631
              waste collections (at Fort Worth ECC  658    752       702        639        357
                   and Clean Sweep event)

              Number of citizen survey responses  907      N/A       N/A        1,317     N/A

                                                      5-Year + Outlook

             The  vision  of  the  City  Manager’s  Of ce  is  to  maintain  sustainable  government  by  delivering  excellent  services  to
             citizens  within  the  resources  provided.  The  City  Manager’s  Of ce  is  committed  to  developing  alternate  sources  of
             revenue through economic development opportunities and reducing the tax burden on citizens, planning for capital
             improvements to replace aging infrastructure, and maintaining Colleyville’s safe neighborhoods for the community’s

                                             Expenditures Summary

                                       A822,912                     $822,912
                                                                   (100.00% vs. prior year)

                                 City Administration Proposed and Historical Budget vs. Actual





                          FY2016    FY2017   FY2018    FY2019    FY2020   FY2021    FY2022    FY2023
                                               Actual  Budgeted   Over Budget

                                        Expenditures by Expense Type

                City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023                                                    Page 155
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160