Page 159 - CityofColleyvilleFY23AdoptedBudget
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Assisting the public with general information.
2. Ensure an Open Government
1.1 – Actively involve and engage stakeholders
1.4 – Communicate thoroughly and strategically
When we think of government transparency, we most often think about nances. While important, local governments go beyond
the numbers of revenue and spending to report on other public concerns such as environmental issues, Fire/EMS/Police,
community culture, and human services.
The CSO is a service oriented department entrusted to serve as stewards of open and transparent City government through the
Local Government Code, Texas Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, City Charter, and adherence to the laws that govern;
and to build public trust and con dence in local government through the establishment of open and transparent processes and
procedures, and accurate information management.
The Texas Open Meetings Act applies to every governmental body in Texas, yet there has not been a consistent way for public
of cials to receive training on how to comply with these laws. This is signi cant, because a failure to comply with the Open
Meetings Act may result in civil and criminal penalties for public of cials, and can also lead to a general breakdown of con dence
in our governing bodies.
The Of ce of the Attorney General has found when open government laws are violated by a governmental body, it is the result of
public of cials simply not knowing what the law requires. Inconsistent and inaccurate legal advice regarding these laws has
sometimes added to the confusion.
Attorney General Greg Abbott called on the 79th Texas Legislature to enact legislation to require public of cials to obtain open
government training in an effort to promote openness and increase compliance with our "Sunshine laws." The Legislature
responded by passing Senate Bill 286, which requires public of cials to receive training in the requirements of the Open Meetings
Act beginning January 1, 2006.
The CSO consistently manages board, commission, and committee member’s compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act by
requiring the online training be taken, and maintaining a record of the certi cate of completion for each member.
3. Enhance Governmental Transparency
1.3 – Assure convenient access to public information
1.4 – Communicate thoroughly and strategically
The CSO maintains custody, control, ling, and storage of all legislation, books, documents, minutes, and other written and
recorded materials pertaining to the operation of the City government. These City documents are made available through the
City’s website in an understandable manner for the public.
The Of ce is responsible for compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Public Information Act. As such, the of ce
oversees the posting of every public meeting of the City Council and appointed boards, commissions, and committees. In addition
to agendas, packets are made available to the public immediately through a web portal. Minutes are also available immediately
upon receipt from the board, commission, or committee.
The City’s proactive approach to enhance governmental excellence and transparency is a collaboration of all City departments. As
such, all meeting agenda packets are created and sent electronically for all City Council, board, commission, and committee
meetings. The City further utilizes all resources, whether it be the website or social media, to keep the public abreast of City
business, events, and projects.
4. Deliver Exceptional Administrative Support to the Governing Body
1.4 – Communicate thoroughly and strategically
6.2 – Establish and enforce a culture of mutual trust and respect
6.3 – Foster our shared values
The City Secretary supports the City Council in both an administrative and technical capacity to facilitate the legislative process
and City business. The CSO engages with our elected of cials and the public to understand expectations and preferences, and
looks for opportunities to develop solutions and services which deliver value.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Organization of City Council agendas;
Preparation of the City Council agenda packets;
Preparation of City Council meeting minutes;
Coordination and scheduling of City Council meetings and public hearings, and recording of each for permanent record;
City of Colleyville | Budget Book 2023 Page 159