Page 371 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 371


                                             HOW WELL IS THE CITY PERFORMING IN MEETING
                                                            THE NEEDS OF SOUTHLAKE RESIDENTS?

                            Managing Traffic Congestion                                                 53%
          Providing Pedestrian Pathways, Sidewalks, And Trails                     32%
                Responding to Code Enforcement Inquiries /            19%                        2019
                            Complaints                                        27%
                   Providing Information On Development            17%
                        Providing Animal Control Services               21%                  Indicates significant
                                                                      19%                    change at 95% confidence
                                                                  15%                        level when 2019 results
                         Managing Storm-Water Drainage                                       are compared with 2017.
                      Maintaining Local Streets And Roads           18%                 gaP ThreshOld:  any serviCe wiTh a
                                                                                        25% Or higher gaP is idenTified fOr
                                                                   16%                                PriOriTizaTiOn
                              Providing Senior Services          14%
                       Preparing The City For Emergencies              20%
                               Figure 2: Gap issues identified in the 2019 Citizen Satisfaction Survey

        relaTiOnshiP BeTween The CaPiTal imPrOvemenTs PrOgram and The
        Biennial CiTizen survey
        In 2019, the City completed its most recent biennial citizen satisfaction survey.   Results of the City’s satisfaction survey
        are put to use in several ways, including playing key roles in the City’s comprehensive plan update (Southlake 2035
        Plan), in the development of each Department’s adopted budget and in the City’s performance measures.  Survey
        results are also critical to the development of this year’s Capital Projects Budget.

        Many recurring themes emerged throughout  the survey responses, several  of  which  have a direct  link  with  the
        preparation  and  execution  of  the  City’s  CIP.  For  example,  the  City  surveyed  respondents  regarding  not  only  the
        importance they place on City services but also the satisfaction respondents had with those services.  The gap between
        the importance placed on a service and the satisfaction with that service indicates areas where the City is not meeting
        our customers’ expectations.  The City developed a chart listing the top “gap” issues and has also created a plan
        to address each issue.  Both of the gap issues are related to areas that can be addressed through the City’s capital
        programming--manage traffic congestion and provide pedestrian pathways and sidewalks.

        The BenefiTs Of CaPiTal PrOgramming

        With time, public facilities need major repair, replacement, or expansion. Maintaining and upgrading a community’s
        capital stock requires significant financial investment. This investment must be weighed against other community
        needs and analyzed in light of community goals.

        The City of Southlake, like many cities, is under pressure to make efficient use of capital resources and must make
        difficult choices. There are more needs than can be satisfied at once, and the selection of one investment over another
        may shape the development of the City for years to come.

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