Page 370 - Southlake FY22 Budget
P. 370


                                PLANNING &
                                                                    SPDC             CECD
                                    DEPARTMENT                                                            CITY
                CIP FORMS  POLICE       CIP               TECHNICAL         BOARD             CITY
               DISTRIBUTED   &                            COMMITTEE        APPROVAL          MANAGER    COUNCIL
             TO DEPARTMENTS          SUBMITTAL             REVIEW                           SUBMITTAL  APPROVAL
                                                 & TOURISM

                              Figure 1: Capital Improvements Program (CIP) development and approval process

            relationshiP betWeen the caPital imProVements Program and the annual
            The City’s annual budget itemizes and appropriates the funds needed for all municipal purposes during the next
            fiscal year, and is comprised of two separate budgets - the Operating Budget and the Capital Projects Budget. The
            Operating Budget includes the day-to-day operational expenses of the City, such as salaries, supplies, and expenses for
            programmatic activities. The Capital Improvements Program includes the anticipated capital project costs for the next
            five fiscal years. The first year of projects contained in the CIP become the basis for formulating the Capital Projects

            relationshiP betWeen the caPital imProVements Program
            and the city’s Planning Process
            Comprehensive plans are official public documents adopted by local governments as policy guides
            to making decisions about the physical development of the community in the next 20 years. The City
            of Southlake’s current comprehensive plans, the Southlake 2030 Plan and the Southlake 2035 Plan,
            include a number of citywide plans that prioritize the development of thoroughfares, sidewalks, trails,
            and parks.

            The Southlake 2035 Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, the Southlake 2030 Mobility Master
            Plan, the Southlake 2030 Water Master Plan, and others, provide recommendations that link the future
            vision of the community to relatively short-term actions.

            Recognizing the importance of the link between the Capital Improvements Program and implementation of the master
            plan, projects are required to demonstrate linkage to one of the City’s master plans.  By using the Capital Improvements
            Program process to reinforce the desired master plan priorities, the City’s physical future can be better shaped.

            Additionally, each project sheet and the project matrix identifies, when appropriate, connection to a project identified
            in the City’s comprehensive plan.

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