Page 56 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Budget Highlights
Special Revenue Funds: Financial Summary
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Change from Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
Sales Tax 78,692,079 79,213,635 79,213,635 87,994,649 8,781,014 11.09%
Other Tax 23,113,102 32,465,030 28,170,933 30,693,283 (1,771,747) -5.46%
License & Permits 5,250 15,500 15,500 5,500 (10,000) -64.52%
Intergovernmental 8,511,545 11,297,805 6,797,805 10,844,899 (452,906) -4.01%
Charge for Service 14,561,076 13,212,461 12,936,003 15,353,439 2,140,978 16.20%
Fines & Forfeitures 7,322 - - - - 0.00%
Use of Money & Property 7,922,871 11,569,140 11,874,373 13,023,761 1,454,621 12.57%
Special Assesments - - - - - 0.00%
Other 12,347,230 8,324,743 5,720,350 10,060,902 1,736,159 20.86%
Transfer In 11,301,985 3,661,133 3,661,133 6,274,394 2,613,261 71.38%
Total Revenues 156,462,460 159,759,447 148,389,732 174,250,827 14,491,380 9.07%
Use of Fund Balance - 4,698,606 13,315,922 3,181,668 (1,516,938) -32.28%
Salaries & Benefits 58,048,540 63,474,796 63,815,201 67,960,461 4,485,665 7.07%
Gen Operating &
Maintenance 46,665,876 54,827,119 55,603,054 65,353,798 10,526,679 19.20%
Capital Accts - - 1,676,542 - - 0.00%
Debt Service Accts 123,891 123,891 133,191 123,891 - 0.00%
Transfer Out 47,926,876 43,638,228 39,042,806 40,674,988 (2,963,240) -6.79%
Total Expenses 152,765,182 162,064,034 160,270,794 174,113,138 12,049,104 7.43%
Contribution to Fund - 2,394,019 1,434,860 3,319,357 925,338 38.65%
Revenues Over(Under)
Expenses $ 3,697,278 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0%
Note: While Asset Forfeiture Funds, Public Improvement District Funds (PID) and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Funds (TIRZ) are special
revenue funds, they are appropriated under a separate process and are not included in these totals. Also, Special Revenue Project Funds
are not included in these totals. Funds exclusive of the table above are shown in separate summary tables that follow.
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