Page 57 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Budget Highlights
Special Revenue Funds: PIDS Financial Summary
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Change from Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
Other Tax 907,686 468,900 12,129,574 856,961 388,061 82.76%
Use of Money & Property 84,511 - - - - 0.00%
Other 10,068,933 11,494,947 203,972 11,679,423 184,476 1.60%
Transfer In 762,171 769,246 769,246 865,593 96,347 12.52%
Total Revenues 11,823,301 12,733,093 13,102,792 13,401,977 668,884 5.25%
Use of Fund Balance - 734,690 2,521,336 814,478 79,788 10.86%
Gen Operating & 11,472,997 13,239,672 15,396,017 13,931,407 691,735 5.22%
Transfer Out 212,267 220,311 220,311 227,421 7,110 3.23%
Total Expenses 11,685,264 13,459,983 15,616,328 14,158,828 698,845 5.19%
Contribution to Fund - 7,800 7,800 57,627 49,827 638.81%
Revenues Over(Under)
Expenses $ 138,037 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0%
Note: While Public Improvement District Funds (PIDS) are special revenue funds, they are appropriated under a separate process.
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