Page 55 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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Budget Highlights
Debt Service Funds: Financial Summary
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Change from Adopted
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted Amount %
Property Tax 110,745,231 114,944,127 114,944,127 121,072,221 6,128,094 5.33%
Charge for Service 95,136 - - - - 0.00%
Use of Money & Property 18,115,116 4,447,182 4,447,182 3,074,790 (1,372,392) -30.86%
Transfer In 268,717,309 138,417,728 370,093,390 132,440,031 (5,977,697) -4.32%
Total Revenues 397,672,792 257,809,037 489,484,699 256,587,042 (1,221,995) -0.47%
Use of Fund Balance - 1,573,175 34,362,743 1,771,999 198,824 12.64%
Capital Accts 17,850 - - -
Debt Service Accts 402,751,025 252,638,368 522,065,616 254,611,148 1,972,780 0.78%
Transfer Out 3,877,121 - - 2,975,650 2,975,650 0.00%
Total Expenses 406,645,996 252,638,368 522,065,616 257,586,798 4,948,430 1.96%
Contribution to Fund Balance - 6,743,844 1,781,826 772,243 (5,971,601) -88.55%
Revenues Over(Under) Expenses $ (8,973,204) $ - $ - $ - $ - 0%
Note: Debt Service Funds include the appropriation of Special Revenue Fund and Enterprise Fund related debt service payments. The
revenue source for these debt funds are transfers from the respective Special Revenue or Enterprise Fund.
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