Page 60 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
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             FUND/ DEPARTMENT/ PROGRAM: 01-06-00

             I Program Description
             The Finance Department is responsible for coordinating and maintaining comprehensive management of
             the City's financial activities to ensure proper use and investment of the City's funds. The department is
             responsible for all of the City's accounting and financial reporting as well as providing timely budgetary
             and other financial information to the community, City Council, management and various departments of
             the City.

              Major Goals and Objectives Measured by Workload & Productivity Measures

             Goal  I :  Provide accurate and timely financial reporting
                      Objective  I:  Monitor and report the budgetary status of all revenues and expenditures monthly
                      and throughout the fiscal year.
                      Objective 2:  Monitor and maintain a chart of accounts, general ledger and financial management
                      system for the timely recording ofreceipts and disbursements with reports distributed in a timely
                      manner, to include processing of payroll and accounts payable on scheduled basis.

             Goal 2:  Continue to improve annual audit and budget preparation processes
                      Objective I:  Coordinate annual audit for completion of the annual financial report within 120
                      days of fiscal year end.
                      Objective 2:  Prepare budget draft and file with City Secretary for public access within 30 days
                      of budget hearing before budget adoption.

             Goal 3:  Meet budgetary awards program criteria outlined by the Government Finance Officers
                      Association (GFOA).

                                                              Actual       Budget       Estimate     Adopted
                                                             2019-20      2020-21       2020-21      2021-22
             Payrolls Processed                                 26           26           26            26
             Monthly Financial Reports to City Manager          12           12           12            12
             Annual Financial Reports Issued                   Yes          Yes           Yes          Yes
             Annual Budget Document Prepared                   Yes          Yes           Yes          Yes
             Percent of Payrolls Process on Time              100%          100%         100%         100%
             Annual Audited Financial Report issued by         Yes          Yes           Yes          Yes
             Prepare Budget Submission to the GFOA Program     Yes          Yes           Yes          Yes
             Personnel                                        315,474      263,313      360,000       386,200
             Materials and Supplies                             6,500       10,340         8,400         9,500
             Other Services                                   I 02,000     165,374       I 02,500     138,000
             Travel & Training                                  9,500        3,659         5,000         5,000
             Total                                            433,474      442,686      460,113       538,700
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65