Page 59 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 59
I Program Description
Enhance safety and security in Forest Hill and improve the quality of life within the City
Major Goals and Objectives Measured by Workload & Productivity Measures
Goal I: Increase collection rate at the Municipal Court
Objective I: Process citations daily.
Objective 2: Mail reminders and collection notices daily.
Objective 3: Call all defendants when their case becomes past due.
Objective 4: Issue Warrants and capias pro fine warrants timely.
Objective 5: Mail post warrant cards immediately when warrants are issued.
Objective 6: Participate in the Great Texas Warrant Round Up.
Objective 7: Warrant Collection Clerks to attend training with an emphasis on traffic citation
Goal 2: Obtain and maintain Court Clerk Certifications
Objective I: Maintain Court Administrator Level 3 Certification. Complete 20 hours of Municipal
Objective 2: Court continuing education and attend Legislative Update in Austin.
Objective 3: Deputy Court Clerk/JCM - Obtain Level 2 Certification by taking and passing the
Level 2 exam and complete 12 hours of Municipal Court continuing education.
Objective 4: Part Time Court Clerk to obtain Level 2 Certification by taking and passing the
Level 2 exam and complete 12 hours of Municipal Court continuing education.
Objective 5: Complete 12 hours of Municipal Court continuing education.
Goal 3: Update Municipal Court Software to more effectively and efficiently process and maintain
Municipal Court Records
Objective I : Purchase a new server and coordinate software upgrade
Objective 2: Train Municipal Court Staff on the new process with the upgrades
Actual Budget Estimate Adopted
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
Number of Court Dockets Prepared 180 173 196 196
Number of Cases Filed 6000 6077 6000 6000
Warrants issued 5000 5915 5000 5000
Number of Warrants Recalled / Served 6000 6085 6000 6000
Court Administered in Compliance w State Status Yes Yes Yes Yes
Professional Certifications Maintained 3 3 3 3
Personnel 446,738 460,939 432,000 495,000
Materials and Supplies 12, I 00 11,956 9,500 7,300
Other Services 132,850 61,598 78,000 I 00,800
Travel & Training 7,000 2,102 6,000 4,000
Total 598,688 536,595 541,149 607,100 51