Page 58 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 58
I Program Description
The City Manager is the Chief Executive Officer of the City. It is his duty, under the City Charter, to
execute and implement policies as established by the City Council. He is responsible for the 1)
overall coordination of the City's governmental activities, 2) efficient operation of the City of Forest
Hill, 3) management of staff and communication of organizational goals and values to the public.
Major Goals and Objectives Measured by Workload & Productivity Measures
Goal 1: Enhance the quality of life in Forest Hill, Texas.
O�jective I: Continue to pursue recreational, cultural and aesthetic improvements in the City.
Objective 2: Provide funding of operational and capital expenditures for street improvements.
Goal 2: Promote a positive environment for economic development in the community.
Objective 1: Support policies to encourage housing community development
Objective 2: Support policies to encourage commercial and industrial development.
Goal 3: Address organizational issues with City government.
Objective I : Develop policies, procedures and practices that promote high ethical
Objective 2: Implement training for effective customer service and instill confidence in the
integrity of City Government
Objective 3: Hire and /or develop a staff that sets the highest professional standards for
themselves and the organization.
Actual Budget Estimate Adopted
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
Present Master Plan for Adoption and Update Yes Yes Yes Yes
Conduct Strategy Planning Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prepare Annual Operating Budget Yes Yes Yes Yes
Prepare Capital Projects Budget Yes Yes Yes Yes
Develop Ethics Policy for Adoption Yes Yes Yes Yes
Improve Municipal Services Yes Yes Yes Yes
Address Organizational Issues Yes Yes Yes Yes
Improve Aesthetics of the City Yes Yes Yes Yes
Increase Business in the City Yes Yes Yes Yes
Personnel 356,928 414,936 381,800 419,900
Materials and Supplies 6,950 3,972 7,300 5,800
Other Services 24,500 22,030 19,000 24,500
Travel & Training 18,000 11,736 13,500 18,000
Total 406,378 452,674 496,609 468,200 50