Page 10 - City of Crowley FY22 Operating Budget
P. 10

2021 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet

                   Voter- ADoroval Tax Rate ( continued)
                      31.  C.  2020 transferred function.:  If discontinuing all of
                    cont.)   a department, function or activity and transferring
                           it to another taxing unit by written contract, enter
                           the amount spent by the taxing unit discontinuing
                           the function in the 12 months preceding the
                           month of this calculation.  If the taxing unit did not
                           operate this function for this 12 -month period,  use
                           the amount spent in the last full fiscal year in
                           which the taxing unit operated the function. The
                           taxing unit discontinuing the function will subtract
                           this amount in E below. The taxing unit receiving
                           the function will add this amount in E below. Other
                           taxing units enter 0. +/-$                               o
                         D. 2020 M &O levy adjustments.: Subtract B from
                           A, For taxing unit with C,  subtract if discontinuing
                           function and add if receiving function. $-          218, 614
                                                                                                 5, 619, 536
                         E. Add line 30 to 31 D.
                      32.  Adjusted 2021 taxable value.
                         Enter the amount in line 25 of the No- New - Revenue Tax Rate Worksheet.   1, 105, 525, 079

                      33.  2021 NNR M &O rate. ( unadjusted)
                         Divide line 31 E by line 32 and multiply by $ 100.                  0. 508313/$ 100
                      34.  Rate adjustment for state criminal justice mandate.23
                         A. 2021 state criminal justice mandate.  Enter the
                           amount spent by a county in the previous 12
                           months providing for the maintenance and
                           operation cost of keeping inmates in county -paid
                           facilities after they have been sentenced. Do not
                           include any state reimbursement received by the
                           county for the same purpose. $                           0
                         B.  2020 criminal justice mandate.  Enter the
                           amount spent by a county in the 12 months prior
                           to the previous 12 months providing for the
                           maintenance and operation cost of keeping
                           inmates in county -paid facilities after they have
                           been sentenced.  Do not include any state
                           reimbursement received by the county for the
                           same purpose.  Enter zero if this is the first time
                           the mandate applies. $                                   0
                         C.  Subtract B from A and divide by line 32 and
                           multiply by $ 100. $                                 0/$ 100
                         D.  Enter the rate calculated in C.  If not applicable,
                                                                                                   0/$ 100
                           enter 0.
                  22 [ Reserved for expansion]
                  23 Tex. Tax Code §  26.044
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