Page 9 - City of Crowley FY22 Operating Budget
P. 9

2021 Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet
                   Voter - Approval Tax Rate
                   The voter - approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that a taxing unit may adopt without holding an election to seek voter
                   approval ofthe rate. The voter - approval tax rate is split into two separate rates:
                      1,  Maintenance and Operations (M &O)  Tax Rate: The M&O portion is the tax rate that is needed to raise the same
                        amount of taxes that the taxing unit levied in the prior year plus the applicable percentage allowed by law, This rate
                        accounts for such things as salaries, utilities and day -to -day operations.
                      2, Debt Rate: The debt rate includes the debt service necessary to pay the taxing unit's debt payments in the coming
                        year. This rate accounts for principal and interest on bonds and other debt secured by property tax revenue.
                   The voter- approval tax rate for a county is the sum of the voter - approval tax rates calculated for each type of tax the county
                   levies, In most cases the voter - approval tax rate exceeds the no -new- revenue tax rate, but occasionally decreases in a taxing
                   unit's debt service will cause the NNR tax rate to be higher than the voter - approval tax rate.
                                                                                             0. 5129101$100
                     28.  2020 M &O tax rate. Enter the 2020 M &O tax rate.
                     29.  2020 taxable value, adjusted for actual and potential court - ordered
                        adjustments.  Enter the amount in line 8 of the No- New- Revenue Tax Rafe
                                                                                              1, 138, 240, 802
                     30.  Total 2020 M &O levy, Multiply line 28 by line 29 and divide by $ 100.   5, 838, 150
                     31.  Adjusted 2020 levy for calculating NNR M &O taxes.
                        A. M &O taxes refunded for years preceding tax
                           year 2020:  Enter the amount of M &O taxes
                           refunded in the preceding year for taxes before
                           that year. Types of refunds include court decisions,
                          Tax Code Section 25.25( b)  and ( c)  corrections and
                          Tax Code Section 31. 11 payment errors.  Do not
                           include refunds for tax year 2020. This line applies
                           only to tax years preceding tax year 2020. +$            0
                         B. 2020 taxes in TIF.: Enter the amount of taxes paid
                           into the tax increment fund for a reinvestment
                           zone as agreed by the taxing unit. If the taxing unit
                           has no 2021 captured appraised value in Line
                           18D,  enter 0. -$                                   218, 614
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