Page 415 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                              Invest in Our Economy

                                Goal 1: Enhance Economic Impact Through Development and
                            Redevelopment Efforts, Partnerships, and Investment Opportunities
                                     Objective 2: Build a Strong and Diverse Business Community
                        Project                  Performance Measure(s)          City Service Team (Department)
             IOE   Business Recruitment and     Recruitment Leads           Economic Development and Capital
             1.2.1  Retention                 Leads to Prospects            Investment (ED)
                                              On‐Site Business Visits
                                                                      Approved Agreements               Date
             The Office of Economic Development is participating
                                                           First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with   Oct. 2020
             in recruitment efforts related to the City’s identified   Tarrant County relative to providing City staff
             targeted industry clusters.  The adopted clusters are   resources to the County for COVID‐19 related
             1) Aerospace, 2) Automotive Products, 3) Business   activities.
             and Professional Services, 4) Medical Devices, and 5)   Lease Agreement with Nanoscope Technologies,   Oct. 2020
             Industrial Machinery and Manufacturing.       LLC, relative to an office and laboratory space use
                                                           to be located at 1624 New York Avenue
             As outlined in the Economic Development Strategy,   Policy Statement for Tax Abatement    Oct. 2020
             the Office works to generate leads and recruit   Chapter 380 Grant Agreement with Arlington   Oct. 2020
             companies within these industry clusters, which will   Matlock Partners
             assist in reaching one of the City’s primary economic   Ordinance establishing Reinvestment Zone   Dec. 2020
             development goals – competitive positioning,   Number Forty‐Seven
             allowing the City to capture a larger share of high‐  Texstars, LLC Tax abatement for a project in   Dec. 2020
             wage, high‐impact growth.                     Reinvestment Zone Number Forty‐Seven
                                                           Chapter 380 Grant Agreement by and between   Dec. 2020
             As recruitment leads are generated and projects   PHC Equities, LLC
             arise, they will be identified and tracked on a hit list   A Resolution appointing membership to the   Dec. 2020
             reported to the City Management Office every   Economic Development Corporation
             month.  The list will track potential capital   A resolution authorizing the execution of an   Jan. 2021
             investment, jobs created and details about each   Agreement Relative to TIRZ #1 Participation in UTA
                                                           College Park Project
             project in order of priority. Staff will continue to
                                                           A resolution authorizing the execution of a Chapter   Jan. 2021
             develop knowledge of the business climate that may
                                                           380 Grant Agreement by and between CD/Park7
             lead to a compelling case for industry prospects to
                                                           A resolution approving the assignment of all the   Feb. 2021
             locate in Arlington.
                                                           rights and obligations accruing to NP Arlington
               Targeted                                    Industrial, LLC
                            Aerospace   Automotive   Products   Medical   Devices   Industrial   Manufacturing   Business and   Professional   Beer Company, LLC    Mar. 2021
               Industry                                    A resolution authorizing the execution of a Chapter   Mar. 2021
                Leads                                      380 Grant Agreement by and between Legal Draft
                                                           A resolution authorizing the execution of an
                                                           Administrative Services Agreement with the
                                                           Arlington EDC
              1  Quarter    2    4      1     2     2      A resolution approving the Bylaws for the Arlington  Mar. 2021
              2  Quarter         1            6     1      Economic Development Corporation
              3  Quarter         1            8     5      A resolution authorizing the execution of a   Mar. 2021
              4  Quarter                                   Professional Services Contract with TIP Strategies
                                                           A resolution authorizing the execution of an   Mar. 2021
                                                           Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County for TIRZ
                                                           A resolution calling a public hearing for April 27,    Apr. 2021
                                                           2021 on the creation of a reinvestment zone for
                                                           tax increment financing,

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