Page 417 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                              Invest in Our Economy

                                Goal 1: Enhance Economic Impact Through Development and
                            Redevelopment Efforts, Partnerships, and Investment Opportunities
                                     Objective 2: Build a Strong and Diverse Business Community
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             IOE   Small Business Initiative    On‐Site Business Visits         Economic Development and Capital
             1.2.2                                                              Investment (ED)
                                                                     Small Business COVID‐19 Relief   Date
             Small Business Initiative                             Tarrant County Small Business Grant  Oct. 2020
             Established in 2018, the small business initiative committee   Promotion and Workshops Round 2
             focuses on responding to small business requests,     Tarrant County Grant Round 2 Grant  Dec. 2020
             managing the small business website, and staying up to   Program Completed
             date with partner organizations including the Tarrant
                                                                   Interlocal Agreement Completed   Dec. 2020
             County Small Business Development Center, SCORE Fort

             Worth, TechFW and EpicMavs. Representatives from the
             Planning and Development, Purchasing, Library and OED   Tarrant County Grant   Businesses   Funds
                                                                         Program           Funded     Awarded
             departments serve on the committee.   In 2021, Staff will
                                                                   (Arlington Businesses)
             focus on business outreach and continue to stay up to date
                                                                 Round 1                  800        $6,269,685
             on resources to assist businesses affected by the pandemic.
                                                                 Round 2                  255        $1,902,115
             Update:                                             Total                    1,055      $8,171,800
             The SBA Community Navigator Grant Program, established
             by the American Rescue Plan Act, will leverage a     Tarrant County Grant   Businesses    Funds
             community navigator grant program to reach the smallest   Program (Tarrant   Funded      Awarded
             of businesses, with a priority focus on those owned by   County Businesses) *
             socially and economically disadvantaged individuals as well   Round 1      2,195       $17,624,896
             as women and veterans. The OED is working with Tarrant   Round 2           725          $5,684,241
             County SCORE who will apply for the grant program and   Total              2,920**     $23,309,136
             develop programming for Arlington businesses.       *Includes Arlington    **64.2% are 51% or more
                                                                 businesses             MWV Owned
             The Texas Rangers announced a partnership with Comerica
             Bank, the Call‐Up Contest, to assist minority and women
                                                                     Center for Entrepreneurship and   Date
             owned businesses within 50 miles of Globe Life Field. Staff
                                                                         Economic Innovation
             promoted the contest on social media.                 Contracts Completed             Feb. 2020
                                                                   Construction Meeting            Apr. 2020
             Staff continues to promote the Arlington Public Library’s job
                                                                   CEEI Open for business          June 2021
             fair in August and is working with a company to attend the

             fair or host their own fair in East Arlington.

             Staff continues to research COVID‐19 relief business
             resources for the coronavirus small business resource
             assistance website and the OED’s email blast list.

             UTA Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic
             Innovation (formerly listed as the Business Incubator)
             In conjunction with Community Development & Planning,
             Economic Development, Water Utilities, and UT Arlington,
             the City will work to develop a Business Incubator.  The
             collaboration of these key institutions to address this
             pressing need should both enhance the financial stability

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