Page 411 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                              Invest in Our Economy

                                Goal 1: Enhance Economic Impact Through Development and
                            Redevelopment Efforts, Partnerships, and Investment Opportunities
                                Objective 1: Foster Development and Redevelopment in Targeted Areas
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             IOE   TIRZ Districts              Recruitment Leads               Economic Development and Capital
             1.1.3                             Leads to Prospects              Investment (ED)
                                                                               TIRZ #1                 Date
             There are three Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ)   TIRZ 1 Amended and Restated   Feb. 2020
             in Arlington:                                       Participation Agreement – Tax
                                                                 Increment Reinvestment Zone Number
             TIRZ #1 – Downtown                                  One Tarrant County
             2021 Taxable Value: $405,387,819                    TIRZ 1 Amended and Restated        Feb. 2020
                                                                 Participation Agreement – Tax
             Update:                                             Increment Reinvestment Zone Number
             In May 2021, the TIRZ #1 Board and City Council approved   One Tarrant County Hospital
             a request for $240,000 to offset the tenant improvement   TIRZ 1 Amended and Restated   June 2020
             costs for a grocery store at 101 Center Street.  In June   Participation Agreement – Tax
             2021, the Board authorized a Chapter 380 agreement with   Increment Reinvestment Zone Number
             Sutton Frost Cary LLP to build approximately a 21,000   One Tarrant County College District
             square foot building at the corner of Front Street and   Tax Increment Agreement by and   June 2020
             Mesquite Street. The proposed agreement would run until   between Savannah Main 7, LLC
             December 31, 2030 and provide the company with a    Tax Increment Agreement by and     June 2020
             performance grant of $500,000.                      between Urban Front, LLC.
                                                                 Agreement Relative to Participation in   Dec. 2020
             TIRZ #5 – Entertainment District                    UTA College Park Project
             2021 Taxable Value: $984,054,981
                                                                 TIRZ 1 incentive agreement with Don   May 2021
                                                                 W. Muncharth and Associates for the
             Update:                                             development of a grocery store located
             Changes to the TIRZ #5 Project Plan and Financing Plan are   at 101 South Center Street.
             being negotiated with Tarrant County.  The consultant has   TIRZ Chapter 380 Grant Agreement by   June 2021
             been secured and the necessary updates are underway.    and between Sutton Frost Cary LLP
             The City and County continue to negotiate respective
             participation elements necessary to fund the planned
             projects.  Construction of the 900 room Loews convention          TIRZ #5                 Date
                                                                 Amended Project Plan and Financing   Dec. 2019
             hotel began in June 2021.

             TIRZ #6 – Viridian                                  Economic Development Performance   Dec. 2019
             2021 Taxable Value: $1,013,070,073                  Agreement
                                                                 Economic Development and           Dec. 2019
             Update:                                             Reimbursement Agreement
             The new multifamily units in Viridian have been completed   First Amendment to the Economic   Dec. 2019
             and are presently leasing. The Water’s Edge townhouse   Development Incentive Agreement for
             development on the west side of Collins Street is presently   Hotel Project
             under construction.                                 Loews Parking Structure Completed   Sept. 2020
                                                                 Third Amendment to the Economic    June 2021
                                                                 Development Performance Agreement
                                                                 – Arlington Convention Center
                                                                 First Amended and Restated TIRZ 5   June 2021
                                                                 Economic Development and

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