Page 405 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                           Enhance Regional Mobility

                          Goal 2: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Transportation Infrastructure
                           Objective 1: Optimize Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing Transportation System
                          Project                   Performance Measure(s)         City Service Team (Department)
             ERM   TxDOT Southeast Connector   Overall satisfaction with the    Economic Development and Capital
             2.1.3  Project (I‐20 / I‐820 / US‐287)   management of traffic flow during   Investment (PWT)
                   Interchange                peak hours

             The purpose of this TxDOT project is to improve mobility
             and safety and provide transportation options for
             travelers through the area.  The project will reconstruct
             the interchange of Interstates I‐20, I‐820, and Highway
             US‐287.  The new infrastructure will include additional
             main lanes, bi‐directional or reversible barrier separated
             express or managed lanes, entrance and exit ramp
             adjustments, frontage road intersection improvements
             and bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

                    The first public meeting was held July 19, 2018.
                    Information collected during the public meetings
                    and hearing was used to develop safe
                    transportation solutions that minimize impacts
                    to the communities
                    A virtual public hearing was held on June 4, 2020
                    to present the proposed reconstruction and
                    widening of I‐20, I‐820 and US‐287 including the
                    three major interchanges.  The meeting allowed
                    citizens and communities to voice their concerns
                    via e‐mail.
                    Following the meeting on June 4, TxDOT, the
                    compiled questions and comments were used to
                    modify the Environmental Assessment (EA).
                    A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was
                    issued on September 4, 2020.
                    Have requested for TxDOT to host a town hall
                    meeting for Council Districts 2 and 4.

             TxDOT anticipates the conditional award of the
             construction contract to occur in November 2021 and
             executed in February 2022.

             Construction is estimated to begin in May 2022.

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