Page 404 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Enhance Regional Mobility
Goal 2: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Transportation Infrastructure
Objective 1: Optimize Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing Transportation System
Project Performance Measure(s) City Service Team (Department)
ERM IH‐30 and SH‐360 Interchange Overall satisfaction with the Economic Development and Capital
2.1.2 management of traffic flow during Investment (PWT)
peak hours
The purpose of this project is to improve traffic safety Milestone Estimated Actual
and reduce traffic congestion at the interchange of Completion Completion
Package A Construction Spring 2022
Interstate 30 and State Highway 360. Formerly a toll
road loop interchange, the new infrastructure will Package B Construction Spring 2022
include main lane improvements and direct Package C Construction Pending
connection ramps to each facility. Package D Construction Pending
Package E Construction Summer 2020 Apr. 2021
This project is split into the following five
construction phases:
Package A: Reconstruction of the Six Flags
Drive Bridge over IH‐30
Package B: IH‐30/SH‐360 interchange
Package C: Great Southwest Industrial
District railroad bridge crossing just south of
Randol Mill Road
Package D: Randol Mill Road interchange
Package E: Improvements from Abram
Street to IH‐20
Construction of Packages A and B continues with
additional steps implemented to accelerate the work.
The final complete closure of IH‐30 occurred during
the 4 quarter. This closure was necessary for the
demolition of the last two bridges.
As of July 2021, TxDOT estimates the project will be
completed within the next 24‐36 months.