Page 202 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
P. 202

General Fund                                          Return  to  Table  of  Contents
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            LIBRARIES: Norma Zuniga, Director
            Department Narrative                      Business Plan Goals and Objectives

            The Library  Department is responsible for     Goal: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other Forms of
            providing a broad spectrum of library services for   Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
            the populace of Arlington.  These services offer   o  Objective: Address Education and Workforce Training Disparities
            people from  all walks  of life free  access to a     Goal: Enhance Economic Impact Through Development and
            wealth of information and resources for all ages,   Redevelopment Efforts, Partnerships, and Investment Opportunities.
            in a variety of formats and languages. The   o  Objective: Build a Strong and Diverse Business Community
            Library  is committed to  helping children and     Goal: Ensure Availability of Information, Programs, and City Services
            adults develop the skills they need to survive and
            thrive in a global information society. Each   o  Objective: Implement New Technology
            location serves as community hub connecting     Goal: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities, and Services that
            people through welcoming  spaces,  engaging   Meet the Needs of the Community
            resources, relevant technology, and captivating   o  Objective: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the
            programming.  In addition to the physical  and   Needs of the Community
            virtual resources, the Library staff provide quality
            customer service, fascinating programming,   Budget Highlights
            opportunities to make connections and reference
            and research expertise.                     One-time Funding to Repair and Renovate the Northeast Branch
                                                         Library Public Restrooms $40,000
            At A Glance                                 One-time Funding for Library Books $750,000
               68 Authorized Positions
               Budget Break Down
                 Personnel Services     $5,741,358
                 Operating Expenses     3,612,127
                 Total               $9,353,485

            Revenue Highlights
               Overdue Material Fines            $119,637
               Copier Concession                   106,620
               Non-Resident Library Cards      24,921
               Total                       $251,178

                                                    Department Diversity
                                                     By Race and Gender
                                                Black or         American             Some Other or
                                      Hispanic or                         Hawaiian and
                                White            African   Asian  Indian and          Two or More   Female  Male
                                        Latino                             Other Pac.
                                                American       Alaska Native             Races
            City of Arlington Population  38.6%  29.6%  22.3%  6.5%   0.3%        0.2%       2.6%    50.8%  49.2%
            City Organization     55.8%    20.1%    16.9%   3.5%      0.7%        0.2%       2.7%    38.7%  61.3%
            Libraries             52.9%    28.8%    13.5%   2.9%      0.0%        0.0%       1.9%    72.1%  27.9%

            FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        191                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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