Page 201 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
P. 201

General Fund                                          Return to Table of Contents
            JUDICIARY: Stewart Milner, Presiding Judge
            Department Narrative

            The Municipal Court Judiciary provides a
            number of services to citizens and  other
            departments of the City. The primary
            function of the Judiciary is the
            administration of justice in  the Arlington
            Municipal Court. The main focus of this
            administration of justice  includes the
            adjudication  of Class “C” misdemeanor
            cases. Additionally, responsibilities include
            the  issuance of  felony and misdemeanor
            arrest warrants, issuance of search and
            inspection  warrants,  issuance  of
            emergency  mental health commitment
            warrants,  and the arraignment or
            magisterial administration of  all prisoners
            arrested in the City. The Judiciary also
            conducts some civil matter hearings
            involving property, dangerous buildings,
            dangerous animals, and the disposition of
            cruelly treated animals.

                                                    Department Diversity
                                                     By Race and Gender

                                                Black or         American             Some Other or
                                      Hispanic or                         Hawaiian and
                                White           African   Asian  Indian and           Two or More   Female  Male
                                        Latino                             Other Pac.
                                                American       Alaska Native             Races
            City of Arlington Population  38.6%  29.6%  22.3%  6.5%   0.3%        0.2%       2.6%    50.8%  49.2%
            City Organization     55.8%    20.1%    16.9%   3.5%      0.7%        0.2%       2.7%    38.7%  61.3%
            Judiciary             50.0%    11.1%    33.3%   0.0%      0.0%        0.0%       5.6%    77.8%  22.2%
            City‐wide Budget Impacts

            FY 2022 expenditures are impacted by a 3% across-the-board compensation adjustment effective October 2021 and a 5.4%
            increase in the city’s contribution to employee health coverage.

                              Authorized Positions and Expenditures by Category

                                                Actual          Budgeted          Estimated         Adopted
                                               FY 2020           FY 2021           FY 2021          FY 2022
            Authorized  Positions                  6                6                 6                 6

            Personnel Services              $                904,256  $                906,202  $                876,774  $                927,593
            Operating Expenses                                 83,280                     83,459                     88,496                     75,724
            Capital Outlay                                               -                              -                              -                              -
            TOTAL                           $                987,536  $                989,661  $                965,270  $             1,003,317

            FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        190                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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