Page 305 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
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          amount  of  $7.325  million.    These  funds  were  received  in  August  2017  and  funded  water  and
          sewer projects identified in the City’s 5-year Capital Improvements Project plan.  Whitley Road,
          phase 3 was the final project funded by these proceeds and was completed in FY2022-2023.

          In FY2017-2018, $6.780 million Certificates of Obligation issuance was approved by Council.  The
          proceeds will fund street projects, park projects, building equipment, signage throughout the City,
          and capital equipment items.

          In  August  2019,  City  Council  approved  an  $8.490  million  Combination  and  Limited  Pledge
          Revenue  Certificates  of  Obligation  issuance.    Proceeds  will  fund  water  and  sewer  projects  and
          equipment, and some general fund capital equipment.   The majority of the debt, $8.065 million,
          will be repaid with Utility system revenues and $425,000 of the principal will be paid by the I&S
          component of the tax rate.   Payments began in February 2020 at approximately $70,000 annually
          for  the  General  Fund  portion  of  the  debt,  and  approximately  $344,000  for  the  Utility  Fund.
          Standard & Poor Rating Services assigned a ‘AA’ rating to this issuance.

          In August 2020, a $3.0 million Combination and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation
          issuance was issued.   Proceeds will fund a Fire Station restroom renovation project, continuation
          of the Whitley Road Street Project, and construction of a restaurant food truck site at Capp Smith
          Park to spur economic development in the City.  Additional projects funded are a roof replacement
          for the Library facility, construction of an equipment and vehicle storage facility (pole barn) for the
          Parks facility, and various capital outlay items.

          During  the  fiscal  year  ended  September  30,  2021,  the  City  issued  $1,715,000  in  General
          Obligation Refunding Bonds with an interest rate of 1.17%. $560,000 was used to advance refund
          the outstanding Series 2011 Certification of Obligation Bonds in the  General Debt Service Fund
          and  $1,125,000  was  used  to  advance  refund  the  outstanding  Series  2011  Certification  of
          Obligation  Bonds  in  the  Water  and  Sewer  Fund.  The  refunding  resulted  in  a  gross  savings  of

          Also, during FY2020-2021, the City Council approved the issuance of a $4.7 million Combination
          and Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation issuance to continue the street program
          funding and capital equipment funding for needs identified in the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan
          and the 5-year Capital Outlay Plan.

          During FY2021-2022, the City issued $4.2 million in General Obligation Refunding Bonds with an
          interest rate of 2 to 4% and was used to advance refund the outstanding Series 2012 Certification
          of Obligation Bonds in the debt service fund.  This refunding resulted in a gross savings of

          In August 2022, the City Council approved the issuance of $4.93 million Combination and Limited
          Pledge  Revenue  Certificates  of  Obligation  with  an  interest  rate  of  4%  to  fund  street  projects,
          building improvements, parks projects, and the Capital Outlay plan.

          In  September  2023,  the  City  Council  approved  the  issuance  of  $8.95  million  Combination  and
          Limited Pledge Revenue Certificates of Obligation to fund street projects and an ambulance for
          the Fire Department.

          In  September  2024,  the  City  Council  approved  the  issuance  of  $7.1  million  Certificate  of
          Obligations. The proceeds will fund a fire truck for the Fire Department, solar trail lights, building
          and parking lot renovations, and the installation of a utility Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

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