Page 310 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 310

The City is committed to fiscal sustainability by employing long-term financial planning efforts,
           maintaining  appropriate  reserve  levels,  and  employing  prudent  practices  in  governance,
           management, budget administration and financial reporting.    Below is the General Fund Debt
           Payment Schedule for all current issuances.  As debt drops off, other projects may be funded
           through  debt  issuance  that  are  identified  in  the  City’s  5-  year  Capital  Improvement  Plan  and
           Capital Outlay Plan.

           Debt  levels  and  their  related  annual  costs  are  important  long-term  obligations  that  must  be
           managed  within  available  resources.  A  disciplined,  thoughtful  approach  to  debt  management
           includes policies that provide guidelines for the City to manage its debt consistent with available
           and  reasonably  anticipated  resources.      The  City’s  debt  issuance  is  related  to  the  Capital
           Improvement  Plan  and  Capital  Outlay  Plan,  as  well  as  cash  reserves,  and  possible  grant
           funding for those programs.  The City strives to maintain a level funding plan that will minimize
           the peaks and valleys in General Fund support levels and allows the funding of projects over

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