Page 17 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 17

primary  objectives  when  pursuing  development  opportunities:    maximizing
                       economic benefit to the City while enhancing the quality of life enjoyed by our

                   o Slowing revenue growth, most notably in sales tax, is projected to continue over
                       the next fiscal year.

                   o The  City  must  account  for  continued  inflationary  pressures  to  include  the
                       increasing cost of salaries, benefits, and supplier increases.

                   o Changes adopted by the Texas State Legislature continue to impact this budget
                       as well as future budgets, most notably Senate Bill 2 that imposed a revenue cap
                       of 3.5%.

               Long Term Focus

               The City continues a long-term approach through various planning tools.  These include
               the following:

                   ❖ A Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted by City Council to be used as a
                       tool in the development of the City.  As the City approaches full build out, planning
                       initiatives for re-development and improvement of certain aging corridors in the
                       City are of primary focus.

                   ❖ The Equipment Replacement Fund put into place a few years ago continues to
                       be assurance that certain equipment, technology, and vehicle needs will be met in
                       the future.

                   ❖ The  Capital  Outlay  Plan  provides  for  a  5-year  format  to  identify  timing  of
                       replacement and sources of funding for major equipment, vehicles, and technology

                   ❖ 5-year Capital Improvement Plan is a long-range financial planning document
                       that  revolves  around  several  major  street  projects,  water/sewer  system
                       infrastructure  projects  as  well  as  significant  improvements  to  our  storm  water
                       drainage system.

                   ❖ The Parks Master Plan identifies various parks improvement projects throughout
                       the City of Watauga.   Many of these projects are incorporated into the 5-year
                       Capital Improvement Plan with funding sources identified.

                   ❖ A Personnel Enhancement Plan identifies needed personnel positions to provide
                       quality services and programs to our Citizens.

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