Page 14 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 14
Strategic Direction
Setting long-term priorities for the City is one of the most important responsibilities for
Watauga’s elected officials. In June, 2024, Council met to discuss top priority goals for
the City. The strategic plan was reviewed and updated during this meeting and those
revisions are set to be reviewed and adopted during the FY2024-2025 budget process.
By focusing on goals and strategic initiatives, Council and staff are able to position the
community in a positive direction. These goals guide financial and operational decisions
to achieve community excellence. Following are the City Council’s goals and strategic
initiatives, which are supported in the budget:
Policy Issues, Goals, and Objectives for FY2024-2025
The FY2024-2025 budget is designed to continue the City’s programs to (a) provide
efficient operations, (b) maintain basic and essential service levels, and (c) achieve City
Council Goals. Specifically, the following policies are to be observed:
• Essential government services are to be provided at a level equal to or better than
the level previously provided.
• All services are to be constantly examined to ensure that they are provided in an
efficient and effective manner and that unnecessary services are eliminated.
Additionally, the FY2024-2025 Budget includes an emphasis on the following priorities:
• Managing inflationary pressures;
• Retaining and attracting employees by seeking to be competitive in the municipal
employment market;
• Continuing the City’s infrastructure improvements and the replacement of capital
outlay that has reached the end of life; and
• Ensuring focus on community engagement and citizen satisfaction.
To ensure that City Council Goals are achieved, performance-based programs were
implemented and are monitored. Under this program, each City department head is
required to identify several performance objectives consistent with City goals and
maintain performance indicators, which will measure progress toward the achievement of
stated objectives. This process is reviewed and updated annually for inclusion in the
budget document. Each department’s progress in measuring their goals is reviewed and
monitored throughout the budget year.
The FY2024-2025 balanced budget does have some planned drawdown of fund balance
within the guidelines of the financial policy. All funds are planned to carry sufficient levels
to protect the creditworthiness of the City and financial position from emergencies.
The General Fund has an imposed target of 25% of operating expenses. For FY2023-
2024 the General Fund ending balance is projected to be at 50% of operating expenses
at year-end. We expect to end FY2024-2025 with a balance of 42% of operating