Page 13 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 13

the lead pipe identification and Park Vista Storm Drain project commenced this
                       current fiscal year.  The Utility project (Summertime Lane) is expected to be bid by
                       the end of the current fiscal year.  All funds must be obligated by December 31,

                   •  Utility rate adjustments are anticipated to be necessary for FY2024-2025 due to
                       an increase in rates from the City of Ft. Worth.  Automated Metering Infrastructure
                       (AMI) is funded by the 2024 Certificates of Obligation and a rate adjustment will be
                       recommended to cover the debt service for this project.  The impact to the average
                       residential  customer  for  these  increases  is  estimated  to  be  approximately
                       $6.50/month.  A rate model update is currently in progress and will be presented
                       to the City Council in the fall of this year.

                   •  Recommended  capital  improvement  project  funding  is  included  in  this  budget.
                       These  include  continuation  of  infrastructure  projects  (streets,  water,  sewer,
                       drainage), sidewalks, upgrades to the filtration system at the splashpad, and parks
                       and facility improvements.  Design work for a food business park at Capp Smith is
                       included that is funded by the Economic Development Corporation. The majority
                       of  the  City’s  capital  project  funding  is  through  debt  issuance.    The  2024  debt
                       issuance in the amount of $7.10 million is included in this budget to fund these
                       projects  and  capital  outlay  needs.      Some  projects  are  to  be  funded  by  cash
                       reserves to include Street overlays, sidewalk repairs, parks improvements, and
                       various water and sewer projects.  The Capital Improvement Summary is included
                       in this budget document.

                   •  Critical  capital  outlay  items  such  as  vehicles,  equipment,  and  technology  are
                       funded  by  the  equipment  replacement  fund,  cash  reserves,  and  the  2024
                       Certificates of Obligation issuance.  A fire engine in the amount of $1.5 million is
                       funded by the 2024 debt issuance.  The 5-year capital outlay plan is included in
                       this budget document.

               This spending plan reflects our commitment to provide quality services and amenities to
               our residents, while enhancing our organization’s long-term financial sustainability.  The
               objectives used in developing this budget were to present a balanced budget with prudent
               revenue  and  expenditure  estimates  and  aligns  with  the  City  Council’s  Strategic  Plan
               priorities and initiatives.

               The Budget for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 connects the priorities and financial planning
               as outlined in the Council Strategic Planning Session held in June 2024.  The primary
               concerns while preparing this budget were continuing as many programs and services for
               our citizens as feasible within budgetary constraints while maintaining reserve levels in
               accordance with the City’s fiscal policies.  Services provided by the City include fire and
               police  protection,  emergency  medical  services,  planning  and  zoning,  economic
               development,  code  compliance,  street  maintenance,  water  and  wastewater  services,
               parks, recreation, library, and senior citizen services.

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