Page 15 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 15
City Council Goals
Watauga continues to move at a healthy pace toward its strategic goals and objectives
with regards to meeting the needs of citizens, economic development and revitalization,
improving infrastructure, and making Watauga, “A Great Place to Live.” The budget
reflects the City Council’s vision that “The City is focused on building an inclusive
community that delivers an exceptional quality of life with access to amenities and
programs through good governance, fiscal responsibility, and transparency.”
The FY2024-2025 Budget will provide funding for City Council goals and related strategic
➢ Goal #1: Maintain the Financial Strength of the City – this includes maintaining
sound fiscal management practices and ensuring the City’s bond rating is
maintained or improved on an annual basis. In FY2024-2025, the City will continue
to apply for grants for programs and projects and focus on enhancement of
cybersecurity efforts. Funding for cybersecurity programs is included in this
budget to continue our efforts in protection of the City’s network and data.
➢ Goal #2: Develop a sustainable economic development effort –The City will
continue efforts and develop policies and plans to reinvest, revitalize, and improve
aging shopping center sites and foster economic development, redevelopment,
business retention and attraction. In the upcoming budget year, the Watauga
Revitalization Action Program (WRAP) is proposed to assist small businesses with
the expenses of updating and beautifying their business with the goals of attracting
and retaining businesses and boosting taxable value of commercial properties in
the City. This program will be funded through the Watauga Economic
Development Corporation as well as the food business park at Capp Smith that
will be designed in the budget year.
➢ Goal #3: Expand public safety through non-enforcement efforts – This goal
includes safety improvements for Watauga residents and visitors. The budget
includes trail lighting for various parks that will be funded through the 2024
Certificate of Obligation proceeds. In addition, a Mental Health Coordinator is
funded through the Crime Control and Prevention District budget and an additional
code enforcement officer is funded to increase the code compliance efforts within
the City’s commercial corridor.
➢ Goal #4: Strengthen Future Planning – City ordinance review, evaluation of code
compliance processes, a needs assessment for the animal control facility, and the
evaluation of the street maintenance program are programs slated for the
upcoming fiscal year. In FY2023-2024, a Property Maintenance Committee was
established to aid in identifying deteriorating properties and improving
communications among the City departments.
➢ Goal #5: Improve Community Involvement – this goal includes initiatives to
develop more volunteer opportunities for citizens and identify technological options