Page 21 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 21


               Brief History of Watauga

                                                               The Cherokee Indians were the first settlers
                                                               in  Watauga.  Watauga  comes  from  the
                                                               Cherokee word whose meaning has been
                                                               lost, but has been variously interpreted as
                                                               "Village of Many Springs," "River of Plenty,"
                                                               and "Beautiful Water." They were in search
                                                               of  bountiful  game,  fertile  fields,  and  clear
                                                               spring waters.

                                                               Around     1843,     hardy    settlers   from
                                                               Tennessee  first  arrived  in  the  village.
                                                               Among some of the first settlers were: W.A.,
                                                               Margaret  and  James  Walker,  Jane  Weir,
               Willie Potts, William Samual, Martha and Nancy Evans, William, Julia and Mary Carlton,
               Syrena Stowel, and Sarah Henderson.

               On  December  14,  1867,  Willow  Springs  Presbyterian  Church  was  the  first  church
               organized in Watauga. In 1972, a state historical marker was presented to designate the
               Church's  historical  recognition  for  over  one  hundred  years  of
                                                                                           DID YOU KNOW?
               In  1876,  the  railroad  came  to  Texas,  linking  the  two  coasts  for     “Watauga” is
               transporting people and cattle to the Fort Worth area. However, in
               1930, the Watauga Depot was moved to Hodge, causing growth to                 interpreted as
               come to a standstill. At this time, Watauga's population was 50.             Beautiful Water
               Thirty-four years later, in 1964, the population was 300. However,
               Watauga  grew  rapidly  in  the  late  70's  and  early  1980's,  and
               currently has a population of 23,770.

               Tarrant Utility Company deeded Lot 9, Block 1 (5633 Linda Drive) in April 1958, to the
               City for constructing a fire station and City Hall. The first City Hall and fire station cost
               $1,200 in materials and was built entirely by volunteers. On December 6, 1958, a chili pie
               supper was held to raise funds for a volunteer fire department, and the first volunteer fire
               department was organized on June 10, 1959.

                                                   Thirteen mayors have served the City. These are John
                                                   Ransburger, Farris Jones, John Smith, Mack N. Burke,
                                                   Jr.,  Mildred  Morris,  Noel  Meadows,  Mrs.  Noel
                                                   Meadows, Virgil R. Anthony, Sr., Anthony W. Girtman,
                                                   Henry J. Jeffries, Hector F. Garcia, Patrick Shelbourne,
                                                   and Arthur L. Miner is presently serving as Mayor.

                                                   Watauga was incorporated on September 24, 1958 and
                                                   recently  celebrated  its  65   Anniversary.      The  Home
                                                   Rule Charter was adopted by the citizens of Watauga,
                                                   Texas  at  an  election  held  on  January  19,  1980  and
                                                   amended at elections held on January 19, 1985, August

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