Page 54 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
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Expenditures are estimated at $75,800. The Public Art Fund provides support for the City’s ongoing
relationship with the APEX Arts League, Arts Council – Northeast, and the Southlake Arts Council by
providing funding for various projects such as public art displays and event support. The budget also
supports public art maintenance.
A transfer of $400,000 to the CIP is planned for public art projects. The ending fund balance is estimated
at $432,481.
Recycling Fund. The City’s contract for solid waste services provides for an annual payment of $6,000 to
the City for total projected revenue of $8,500 including interest. The budget includes $6,000 for special
projects for FY 2025. The ending fund balance is projected to be $75,978.
Red Light Camera Fund. In August 2008, the City of Southlake initiated a red-light enforcement camera
Budget Overview
system. Subsequently, Texas lawmakers passed a bill to prohibit the use of the cameras. The city immediately
ceased operations of the program. The budget accounting for the revenue generated from the fines
previously levied has a beginning fund balance of $121,293. With interest earnings of $1,500 projected, the
fund will still be able to support traffic safety programs in FY 2025. Expenditures for traffic safety operations
have been budgeted at $50,000 to support citywide roadway striping maintenance. Ending fund balance
for FY 2025 is projected at $72,793.
Reforestation. The budget includes this fund to account for revenues and expenditures dedicated for
reforestation. These funds are derived from assessments related to the tree preservation ordinance. The
budget reflects permits/fees of $5,000. For FY 2025, $35,000 has been budgeted for tree planting projects
throughout town. The ending fund balance is projected at $130,917.
Storm Water Utility Fund. On October 17, 2006, the City Council established a Storm Water Utility System
Fund. This utility requires a monthly fee for all of Southlake’s developed properties. These fees provide a
funding source for maintenance, repair, and construction of public storm water facilities, and can only be
spent for these purposes.
For FY 2025, total revenues for this fund are projected at $1,685,550. This is an increase of 2.1% when
compared to the FY 2024 adopted budget. Planned expenditures for FY 2025 total $617,842, including
$279,857 in personnel expenses and $337,985 in operational costs.
Transfers out of the fund totaling $869,184 are planned in FY 2025. The ending fund balance is projected
at $2,317,697.
The City maintains the public storm water drainage system and
DID YOU structures within the right-of-way and dedicated public storm water
KNOW? drainage easements.
54 FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book