Page 53 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 53

$15,000 in expenditures will be for library special         Special Revenue Funds
          projects,  which  are  often  defined  by  the  donor.      Expenditure Highlights
          Ending fund balance is projected at $10,435.
                                                                        Park Dedication Fee Fund
          Park Dedication Fees. This special revenue fund                  Item                Expenditure
          accounts for funds from park dedication fees on          Central Park Fountain
          new development. Use of park dedication fees is              Improvements              $60,000
          restricted to park improvements and primarily
          used for capital expenses. One planned park                      Police Services Fund                           Budget Overview
          improvement project is adopted for funding in FY           Drone Equipment
          2025, detailed in the expenditure highlights table          Maintenance &               $7,780
          on the pages of this subsection.                             Replacement
                                                                   Narcotics Investigator         $5,050
          The budget reflects revenues of $150,000 and the                Training
          ending fund balance is projected to be $2,044,669.     Drug Take Back Program           $2,000

          Parks and Recreation Fund. This fund accounts                   Narcan                  $6,200
          for sponsorships obtained to enhance City special                    Public Art Fund
          events,  programs,  athletic  fields,  and  parks  for
          which sponsorships are granted.                          Capital Projects Cash        $400,000
                                                                     Funding Transfer
          The budget reflects projected total revenues of                   Reforestation Fund
          $70,600. Expenses are estimated at $87,500
          leaving  the  fund  with  a  projected  balance  of          Tree Planting             $35,000

          Police Services Fund. This fund has been
          established to account for revenue associated with
          asset forfeitures. For FY 2025, interest income
          of $1,200 is the only anticipated revenue, but a
          beginning fund balance of $38,677 is available for
          use. Total expenditures of $21,030 are planned to
          address various Police Department needs. Ending
          fund balance is projected to be $18,847.

          Public Art Fund. The Public Art Fund was
          established to account for funding that is available
          for the promotion, creation, installation, and/or
          maintenance of public art throughout Southlake.
          The Hotel Occupancy Tax financially supports
          the City’s public art program, and a Public Art
          Comprehensive Plan  has  been  adopted  to  guide
          program development.

          The budget shows $19,000 in interest income. The
          law providing for the Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT)
          allows up to 15% of the revenues to be used for
          public art purposes. For FY 2025, a transfer of
          $370,838 from the HOT Fund has been adopted.

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