Page 49 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 49
Facility Maintenance Fund Facility Maintenance Fund
Using the Strategic Initiative Fund (SIF), the City Expenditure Highlights
was able to establish a fund to set aside dollars for
facility maintenance as recommended by the City’s Operations
Sustainability Plan. For FY 2025, we will continue Item Expenditure
our practice of transferring SIF money into this Town Hall Roof
fund, working to maintain the plan goal of holding Recoating $200,000
10% of the total value of the City’s physical plant in Budget Overview
reserve. Facility Security
Evaluation & $170,000
In FY 2025, a transfer of $1,500,000 from the SIF Town Hall HVAC
is budgeted. Controller Upgrade – $174,000
3rd & 4th Floor
City staff currently manages 880,380 square DPS Headquarters
feet of facility infrastructure including the Marq Concrete Driveways $30,000
Southlake. Smaller daily maintenance efforts of the & Deck Caulking
facilities are absorbed into the various operating DPS Headquarters
budgets. However, it is important to have a Capstone $90,000
proactive maintenance program that addresses Weatherproofing
large scale projects. This fund provides funding for DPS Headquarters
all city facilities except the Marq as that facility has UPS Replacement $80,000
a special fund for large maintenance projects.
Town Hall
Public Safety
Ending fund balance is projected at $13,847,002, Radio Amplifier $55,000
which represents 10% of the total value of the City’s Replacement
physical plant, excluding the Marq.
Southlake Sustainability Comprehensive Plan
EFW3: Fund and “The Facility
adopt annual City Maintenance Fund The FY 2025 budget
includes a transfer
operating budget, should maintain a
capital projects and reserve equivalent from the Strategic
Initiative Fund of
equipment through of 10% of total City $1,500,000 towards
sound financial facility asset value.”
policies. this goal.
FY 2025 City of Southlake | Budget Book 49