Page 18 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 18


                 STRATEGY 4


               PARKS DEPARTMENT                                      LIBRARY

                 Continue with the Park Bond projects to                   Open  a  placemaking,  community-
                 improve community quality.                                focused  new  Library  facility,  with
                                                                           technological  and  service  innovations
                                                                           to  better  meet  Saginaw’s  unique
               COMMUNITY SERVICES                                          needs.
                                                                           Apply  for  at  least  two  grants  and  two
                    Continue operation with reduced                        additional  donations  per  year.  Utilize
                    programs, reduced staffing levels                      donations  from  our  citizens  and
                    reduced space and reduced hours of                     Library  Boosters  to  optimize  and
                    operation. Increase revenues through                   furnish  our  new  facility.  Continue  to
                    new creative and fine turned existing                  develop partnerships with local groups
                    programs. Improve and increase                         and businesses.
                    programs, activities, and events.
                    Partner with a local professional
                    photography company to provide
                    additional advice, funding, awards,
                    and marketing to increase
                    participation to restart the Images of
                    Saginaw Photo Contest after a 3-year
                    Continuing the process of rebuilding
                    our programs to the attained levels
                    prior to the COIVD-19 Pandemic
                    through increased marketing and
                    promotion. Continue operation with
                    reduced programs, reduced staffing
                    levels, reduced space. and reduced
                    hours of operation.

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