P. 159

DEPARTMENT                                                                                ACCOUNT
            Utility Maintenance                                                                           02-720

            Our mission is to provide a higher quality of life in Azle by the continuous delivery of potable and palatable water at
            adequate pressure and the safe transportation and delivery of the all wastewater from point of use to the
            wastewater treatment plant.


            Decrease water quality complaints in the water distribution system by 5%.
            Rehabilitate Two (2) Lift Station (electrical control panel, Pump and Motor).
            Construct an Insulated storage building to house the City's Hydro-Vacuum Vehicles.
            Replace isolation valves on the City's main Water Transmission lines.
            Install Insta-valves on three (3) water mains located in the distribution system.
            Install four (4) additional electronic wet well level transmitters.
            Reduce complaints regarding sewer backups by 5%.
            Reduce manual meter reading mistakes by 5%.
            Replace 200' of 2" water mains in the distribution system.
            Replace 881' of clay tile sewer main by trenchless cured-in-place pipe.

            Personnel:  Increase due to impact of FY 24 step increases, pay plan market adjustment, and increased
                benefits costs.
            Services:  Funding included for the continued slip-lining clay tile sewer mains, various lift station improvements,
                water line valve replacements, and additional staff training.
            Capital:  Increase requested to construct a new building to house the second vacuum/sewer truck, contractor
                installation of new water line valves in the Lakeview Drive area, the purchase of an acoustic leak locator,
                 and the continued installation of lift station level transmitters on four (4) lift stations.

            KEY INDICATORS OF PERFORMANCE:                                         FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25
                                                                                     Actual   Estimate  Projection
            Total wastewater calls                                                   145       130        122
            Percent reduction of total wastewater calls                             -8.40%    9.00%     5.00%
            Total Water Quality Complaints                                            36        30        28
            Percent reduction of Water Quality Complaints                           -8.30%    6.00%     5.00%
            Total Meter reading mistakes (avg. total meters 4,200)                    48        40        38
            Percent reduction of Meter reading mistakes                             14.00%    5.00%     5.00%
            Reduce total number of manually read meters (4,200 manually read)         0        840        798
            Total footage of wastewater mains replaced.                              110       810        881
            Total footage of water lines replaced.                                   145       150        200

           City of Azle FY 2024-2025 Budget                                                                    148
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164