Page 467 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                      Financial/Economic Development

                     Goal 1: Continue Responsible Fiduciary Emphasis for the Organization and Council
                                       Objective 2: Organize to Improve Operational Efficiency
                         Project                    Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             Core  Open Records                  Number of Open Records Requests  Police
             FED   Requests/Intergovernmental     Number of Intergovernmental
             1.2.1  Agency Requests               agency requests


             The Records Services division is the official repository for the   Number of Open Record Requests
             Police Department's records, governed by the Texas Public    4,900
             Information Act, which allows individuals to request records
             related to city business. These records include criminal    3,900
             offense reports, crash reports, 911 calls, and audio/visual
             recordings.                                          2,900

             The division manages both Open Record Requests (ORRs)    1,900
             from the public and Interagency Record Requests (IRRs)
             from other law enforcement agencies. Many ORRs come
             from data mining companies seeking crash reports.     900
                                                                          1st Qtr   2nd Qtr  3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             Requests must be acknowledged within 10 business days,         FY 2021              FY 2022
             informing requestors of the status, including any
             submissions to the Attorney General regarding disclosure       FY 2023              FY 2024
             exemptions. Records related to ongoing cases or protected
             information are not released, while others may be partially
             redacted.                                                       Number of Interagency Record
             Redacting audio/visual materials, like body worn camera   1,700
             footage and 911 audio, is labor‐intensive, with each minute
             of video taking about 10 minutes to redact. The division
             collaborates with the City Attorney's Office to ensure   1,500
             compliance with legal requirements for record releases and
             redactions.                                         1,300

             Update:                                             1,100
             Total requests for public information were up 6.6% over last
             quarter. The 4  quarter saw an increase of 3.4% in Open   900
             Records Requests (ORRs) and a much greater increase of       1st Qtr  2nd Qtr   3rd Qtr   4th Qtr
             14.2% in Interagency Records Requests (IRRs).
             In keeping with historical trends, LexisNexis remains the      FY 2021              FY 2022
             number one requestor of open records with 1,009 requests       FY 2023              FY 2024
             or 28.5% of all ORRs in the 4  quarter. Many of their
             requests are for crash reports only. Secondly, a concerned   Interagency Records Requests also remained consistent
             citizen and social media influencer made 746 requests for   with 361 or 21.8% coming from the Department of
             21% of total ORRs.
                                                                 Family Protective Services (DFPS) and 195 or 11.8% from
                                                                 the FBI. In third place was Dallas Police Department with
                                                                 105 or 6.3%, down almost 12% from 119 last quarter.

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