Page 404 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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Enhance Regional Mobility
Goal 2: Plan, Manage, and Maintain Public Transportation Infrastructure
Objective 1: Optimize Effectiveness and Efficiency of Existing Transportation System
Project Performance Measure(s) Department(s)
ERM Update Street Condition Citizen Perception of Overall Road Public Works
2.1.1 Condition as “Good” or “Excellent”
Lane Miles with Overall Condition
Index (OCI) < 50
Since FY 2013, the City has utilized a “Do Worst First” OCI Progress – Current and Previous
street condition philosophy which focused on addressing Fiscal Years
streets with an Overall Condition Index (OCI) rating below 600
50. Beginning in FY 2023, the City shifted to a prevention‐ 550
based philosophy that will emphasize the maintenance of
“yellow” streets, those streets with an OCI rating 50‐69, 500
as well as continuing to address the “red” streets through 450
the Capital Improvement Program. 400
FY23 FY23 FY24 FY24 FY24 FY24
With an additional focus on preventative maintenance, Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
the target is to reduce the FY 2022 baseline to prolong the
life of the roadways and achieve a more balanced 0 ‐ 49.99 Baseline
OCI Progress –Three Year History
The overall number of lane miles with an OCI<50 600
increased from 531 to 551. This change is due to 20 lane 550
miles changing from yellow to red condition. However,
based on the FY 2024 Street Maintenance funding 500
projections, the Mill and Overlay Program will resurface a
minimum of 25 lane miles. 450
FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024
< 50 OCI Baseline
Distribution of Total Lane Miles by OCI Category
0 ‐ 49.99 60‐69.99 70‐100
80% 40.44% 39.59% 41.47% 40.03% 38.72% 37.73%
40% 42.37% 42.67% 42.56% 43.12% 43.65% 44.00%
17.18% 17.14% 15.97% 16.85% 17.62% 18.27%
FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY24 Q1 FY24 Q2 FY24 Q3 FY24 Q4