Page 403 - FY 2025 Adopted Operating Budget and Business Plan
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                                           Enhance Regional Mobility

                             Goal 1: Explore Creative Alternative Transportation Opportunities
                                            Objective 1: Promote Regional Connectivity
                         Project                   Performance Measure(s)                 Department(s)
             ERM   Arlington On-Demand        Ridership, rider satisfaction, service   Transportation
             1.1.2  Dynamic Direct Route Pilot   efficiency & utilization
                                                                                        Estimated      Actual
             This item supports the Council's "Enhancing Regional                       Completion   Completion
             Mobility" priority by improving access within Arlington   Execution of COG   Fall 2024
             and to regional destinations while complementing the   Funding
             Arlington On-Demand Rideshare service.             Implementation of      Spring 2025
                                                                Dynamic Direct Route
             Based on observed mobility patterns and higher-density   Pilot
             corridors, the City of Arlington proposes piloting a   Pilot Completion   Spring 2028
             "dynamic direct route" model to improve the existing   Evaluation and Reporting  Winter 2028
             Arlington On-Demand rideshare service. This innovative   Completion
             approach combines the predictability of direct routes with
             the flexibility and affordability of on-demand ridesharing.   Update:
             During peak demand periods, a certain number of   City staff is coordinating with Via Transportation, Inc., to
             vehicles would operate on a predictable schedule and   design and plan the service for launch in Spring 2025.
             route, based on demand. However, during off-peak times,   Current tasks include product development around design
             these vehicles could be redeployed to optimize network   and rider experience, preparing for the execution of
             efficiency.                                       community and rider engagement, and developing routine
                                                               reporting and analysis tools.
             The goal of this project is to pilot this dynamic direct
             route concept in Arlington and, if successful, the North
             Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) may
             explore expanding it regionally. Data from Arlington's
             existing transit service and rider feedback will be used to
             inform the design and implementation of the pilot,
             ensuring it effectively meets the needs of riders.

             The City of Arlington will fund this service through the
             NCTCOG Transit Strategic Partnerships. The City received
             $1,126,873 in funding from NCTCOG and will contribute
             $281,718 in local share for a total project amount of

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