Page 276 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 276
Operating Impact: This street improvement project will have little or no impact on
operations. It will be funded through 2023 Certificate of Obligation proceeds.
❖ Description: Approximately 5,000 square feet of sidewalks will be maintained this fiscal
year. The City identifies various sidewalks annually for replacement.
Justification: Safe, pedestrian-friendly neighborhoods are a priority of our community.
An important component of this is the City’s Sidewalk Program which is developed to
provide for the maintenance of sidewalks within the City of Watauga.
Operating Impact: The Sidewalk program this year is funded by a transfer from the
General Fund to the General Capital Projects Fund.
❖ Description: The Whitley Road Phases 1-5 projects will make major storm drain
improvements along Whitley Road. Currently, there are ditches along Whitley Road that
carry the storm water. This storm water will be put under Whitley Road and carried by
Justification: When we widen Whitley Road, there won’t be room within the right of way
for the ditches to carry the storm water. Adding curbs and curb inlets allow us to carry the
storm water underground.
Operating Impact: Little to no impact upon operations is anticipated. This project is paid
for with storm drain revenues with the current level of user fee charges.
❖ Description: Bunker Hill Drainage project will improve drainage in the Bunker Hill
subdivision with construction of curb inlets and an underground system along portions of
Bunker Blvd and Yorkston Street.
Justification: There is no existing system on the east side of the Bunker Blvd outfall and
the system on the west side is undersized. Additionally, there is no existing underground
system along this section of Yorkston Street that drains a large drainage area. The
existing drainage system upstream at Declaration Street and Constitution Drive cannot
adequately capture the flow which exacerbates the system’s inadequacies at the
Yorkston Street channel outfall.
Operating Impact: Little to no impact upon operations is anticipated. This project is paid
for with storm drain revenues in the amount of $203,300 for engineering in FY2024, and
construction is anticipated to be $1.4 million, with the project to commence in FY2025.