Page 275 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 275


                   overlay of Hightower Drive from Lyndale Drive to Rufe Snow Drive.   The project includes
                   a center median, trail, and a shared use lane.

                   Justification:  Hightower Drive is a major thoroughfare in the City.  The existing asphalt
                   pavement is deteriorating.  We anticipate this will rejuvenate the area for commercial

                   Operating Impact:    Hightower  Drive  is a major  thoroughfare  in  the  City.    This  street
                   improvement project will have little or no impact on operations.  It will be funded through
                   developer fees, the 2018 Certificate of Obligation proceeds and Storm Drain fees.

               ❖  Description:  Watauga Road, Phase I, $9,058,000 – This project includes a full concrete
                   street reconstruction of Watauga Road from the western city limits to the western right-
                   of-way of Union Pacific Railroad.  The existing bridge near the Watauga Animal Control
                   Building will being inspected but is anticipated to remain untouched.   The project will also
                   include conceptual engineering for the entire street from the west city limits to the east
                   city limits.

                   Justification:  Watauga Road is a major economic thoroughfare in the City.  The existing
                   asphalt  pavement  is  deteriorating.    We  anticipate  this  will  rejuvenate  the  area  for
                   commercial development.

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