Page 280 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 280


                                 OTHER UTILITY SYSTEM PROJECTS

                                 FY2023-2024 UTILITY MAINTENANCE PROJECTS

               ❖  Description:  This project includes small, previously unidentified wastewater and water
                   line problems detected and repaired throughout the fiscal year.

                   Justification:  The aging wastewater lines throughout the City are 30+ years old.  The
                   lines are subject to ground movement, pulled joints, root infiltration and deterioration.
                   Many  have  inflow  and  infiltration  problems.    Systematic  replacement  will  reduce
                   maintenance costs and customer problems.

                   Operating Impact:  Savings are expected in decreased wastewater fees paid due to
                   prevention of inflow and infiltration into the system.

                                         FY2023-2024 CDBG PROGRAM

               ❖  Description:  Every even year, Watauga
                   receives  a  Tarrant  County  Community
                   Development  Block  Grant  (CDBG)  that
                   varies  in  amount,  which  we  use  to help
                   fund  a  project  in  a  primarily  (70%  +)
                   residential Census Block Group area that
                   contains a defined percentage of low to
                   moderate income.  The typical process is
                   the City submits an application to Tarrant
                   County in January, holds a public hearing
                   by March, prepares the design late in the
                   year and then constructs the project in the
                   next  fiscal  year.  The  48   Year  CDBG
                   project  started  in  2023  and  will  be
                   completed in December 2023.  The grant
                   project replaced the water line along the north side of Emerson Drive between Whitley
                   Road and Maurie Drive. The 50th Year CDBG project will replace the water line starting
                   where the 46  year Bunker Blvd project stopped and continue it through to the end of the
                   neighborhood along Bunker Blvd from Constitution Drive to 5621 Bunker Blvd. This year,
                   the City was also awarded a special CDBG-CV Round 4 grant via Cares Act funding from
                   Tarrant County for a water main replacement on Plum Street.

                   Justification:  Watauga uses these grants to supplement our funding to repair deficient
                   utilities and/or streets in order to develop viable urban communities within the City.  The

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