Page 281 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 281
Emerson Drive water main has been leaking and failing and needs replacement. The
Bunker Boulevard water main has been leaking and failing and needs replacement. The
Plum Street water line has experienced emergency breaks necessitating emergency
repairs and needs replacement.
Operating Impact: The biannual CDBG program is annually funded by a transfer from
the General Fund to the General Capital Projects Fund or by a transfer from the Water
and Sewer Utility fund to the Utility Capital Project fund and/or through Certificate of
Obligation proceeds. For Plum Street, as a stipulation of the CDBG-CV Round 4 grant
award of $358,875, the City must cover any project cost overruns and fully fund the
engineering fee estimated at $48,900. This will be funded by the Utility Construction Fund
this budget year.