Page 272 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 272
Description: Foster Village Park Renovation
A needs assessment is planned to help guide
future renovations at Foster Village Park. The
assessment will solicit community input,
analyze community needs, and provide cost
estimates. Renovations are also planned and
budgeted for the Foster Village Cottage.
Justification: A needs assessment/design for
Foster Village Park is necessary to carefully
consider the possibilities for future renovation of the park. The goal is to meet the needs
of the community while being mindful of impact to the environment and surrounding
residences. The process will provide public meetings and utilize design graphics to depict
The Foster Village cottage needs substantial remodeling and structural repairs in order
to maintain the structural integrity. Estimated costs are approximately $245,000.
Operating Impact: $50,000 to the operating budget is anticipated for the needs
assessment. The Foster Village Cottage renovation project will be paid for by the 2022
Certificates of Obligation proceeds and general fund revenues.
❖ Description: Parks Facility Building Improvements, $180,000 - This project provides
for improvements to the Parks Facility, providing for replacement of the aging pole barn
that houses equipment and vehicles and provides for material bins for storage.
Justification: The pole barn is in need of replacement due to its age and condition of
disrepair. The barn will house parks equipment and provide protection for equipment
and vehicles such as sun damage and severe weather events. The material bins will
provide storage for topsoil, mulch, and rock. The bins will provide protection for loss of
materials from storm runoff.
Operating Impact: This project will be funded through the 2018 Certificates of Obligation
and the 2020 Certificates of Obligation Proceeds.
❖ Description: Fleet Building Expansion Project, $900,000 - This project provides for
the expansion of the Fleet Building adding two additional fleet bays and associated fleet
service lines for oil and air supplies. For safety and in accordance with the building code,
a fire suppression system will be installed for the new and existing fleet building. The old