Page 215 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 215


                                                 BUDGET CHANGES

                          Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Compared to Fiscal Year 2022-2023  Budget

        DESCRIPTION                 CATEGORY          ONE-TIME ON-GOING           CHANGE EXPLANATION
        Business Retention:
        Contractual Services        Contractual/Sundry           (2,000)  Bludot Subscription Budget Adjustment
        Business Attraction:
        Events                      Contractual/Sundry  100              Participation Increase  - Tarrant Special Events

        General Administration:
        Events Refreshments/Meals   Supplies                      100    Needs Adjustment (Event Hosting)
        Software Maintenance        Maintenance                  (1,000)  Adobe Suites License Adj. to IT Department
        Dues & Subscriptions        Contractual/Sundry            200    TRTC Increase
        Training                    Contractual/Sundry           1,500   ISCS Conference Adjustment
        Community Relations         Contractual/Sundry           5,000   Community Relations Needs/Analysis Adj.
        Contractual Services        Contractual/Sundry           (4,500)  3rd Coast Geo Deduction
        Other Equipment             Capital Outlay     (1,200)           Media Specialist Camera Purchase (one-time)

        Transfer to General Fund    Transfers          12,500            Allocation Adjustment
        Transfer to Gen Obligation Debt  Transfers     (4,200)           Debt Allocation Adjustment

        TOTALS:                                        $7,200    ($700)

                                                                 $6,500  NET INCREASE/DECREASE

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