Page 211 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 211


                                  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION
                                 (FORMERLY PARKS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION)

               Voters  established  the  Watauga  Parks  Development  Corporation  Sales  Tax  Fund  to
               account for a ½ cent sales tax increase in May 1994 under the 4b Economic Development
               Legislation.  The purpose of the increase in sales tax is to build city parks and improve
               existing parks under the supervision of the Watauga Parks Development Corporation.    In
               May 2012, voters approved a reduction of the sales and use tax for the Watauga Parks
               Development  Corporation  to  ¼  of  one  percent  and  reallocate  ¼  of  one  percent  for
               maintenance and repairs of municipal streets.  This reduction took place on October 1,
               2012.  In FY2018-2019 the corporation’s name was changed to Economic Development
               Corporation and the focus was redirected to economic development within the City.  Sales
               tax revenues for FY2023-2024 are expected to be $996,000.

               This  Special  Revenue  Fund  is  used  to  account  for  specific  revenues  that  are  legally
               restricted  to  expenditures  for  particular  purposes.    The  fund  is  accounted  for  on  the
               modified  accrual  basis  of  accounting.    Revenues  are  recorded  when  available  and
               measurable, and expenditures are recorded when liability is incurred.

               Where Does the Money Come From?

               Where Does the Money Go?

                               Note: Transfers to general fund cover personnel expenses and debt
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