Page 213 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 213



        Mission Statement

        To make Watauga the best place to do business today
        and in the future by generating equitable economic growth opportunities, building strategic partnership, and
        maximizing resources.

        Department Overview

        To  advance  the  economic  strength  of  Watauga  through  business  and  community  support  programs,  public
        education, and strategic partnerships.  Economic Development provides emphasis on improving the business
        climate through new development, redevelopments, workforce development, business retention and expansion,
        and small business development.

        To enhance the quality of life for residents and the sustainability of City businesses through the retention and
        revitalization  of  exiting  business  and  neighborhoods,  and  promotion,  recruitment,  and  coordination  of  new
        commercial and residential development in the City.

        Highlights/Achievements for FY2023
            •  Successfully negotiated and passed a Chapter 380 Economic Development Agreement with Mr. Froze
               for a newly constructed retail commercial business to be located on Watauga Road.
            •  Assisted  a  private  property  owner  with  the  recruitment  of  a  development  partner  and  facilitated  the
               rezoning process of a large parcel of land for a 132-home townhome development that will bring an
               investment of approximately $53M in the community, which will result in a significant increase in sales
            •  FYE sales tax receipts for 2023 are forecasted to be higher than 2022 actual by 5%, with an increase of
               2.5% from FY 2022-2023 budget.
        Goals/Objectives for FY2024

            •  Aid in the revitalization of obsolete facilities through redevelopment, rehabilitation, and other available
            •  Create  outreach  programs  to  facilitate  and  incentivize  the  revitalization  of  older  residential
            •  Positively influence growth and redevelopment of the City’s business community.
            •  Improve the economic well-being of the City.
            •  Continue to maintain economic development related databases to meet the needs of the development
            •  Stimulate participation in shop local programs.
            •  Prepare projects for development which allow for continued economic growth in the City.

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