Page 214 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 214

Summary of Expenditures by Category

        The Economic Development budget increased by $6,500 mainly due to the adjustment to transfers for debt
        and general.  There was an increase in contractual services for community relations.

                                       FY2022             FY2023               FY2023              FY2024
                                        Actual            Adopted             Projected            Budget
         Supplies                          0                900                  400                1,000
         Maintenance                       0               2,000                1,000               1,000
         Contractual/Sundry             73,683             84,950               72,875             85,250
         Capital Outlay                    0               1,200                2,000                 0
         Transfers                     767,878            419,700              419,700             428,000
         Total Economic Dev.           $841,548           $508,750            $495,975            $515,250

                                                  Performance Measures
         Workload Indicators                                          FY2022    FY2023       FY2023      FY2024
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Project files opened                                           N/A         10           3           10
         Jobs created                                                   N/A         35          35           35
         Responses submitted                                            N/A         155         30           50
         Board meetings held                                            N/A         12          12           12
         Business retention visits                                      N/A         120         65           60
         Economic Development agreements                                N/A          5           3           3
         Redevelopment projects                                         N/A          5           0           2
         New development projects                                       N/A          5           2           2

        N/A- new measure

                                                                             FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement            Strategic Goal           Measure
                                                         Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         Clients served         # 3. Develop a
                                sustainable economic     Quantitative    N/A        N/A    15      15       15
                                development effort.
         Potential new          # 3. Develop a
         business               sustainable economic     Efficiency      N/A      N/A      100     30       50
         calls/contacts         development effort.
         Small business         # 3. Develop a
         development            sustainable economic     Effectiveness  N/A       N/A      5       4        2
         assistance             development effort.

        N/A- new measure

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