Page 141 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 141

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                          FY2022    FY2023       FY2023      FY2024
                                                                      Actual    Adopted      Projected  Target
         Produce meeting agendas                                        112         109         89           97
         Prepare meeting minutes                                        112         96          89           97
         Prepare resolutions                                             40         40          32           35
         Prepare ordinances                                              29         40          15           25
         Processed Contact Us/Citizen Concerns                          110         70          240         200
         Processed Public Information Requests                          213         230         250         250
         Processed property & liability insurance claims                 12         15          10           12
         Processed beverage & massage permits                            30         30          34           38
         Processed gross alcohol sales affidavits                       148         90          140         150

                                                                             FY2022            FY2023       FY2024
         Measurement            Strategic Goal           Measure
                                                         Type            Goal     Actual  Goal     Actual  Goal
         Transcribe and          # 1. Maintain the
         publish city meeting   financial strength of the
         minutes prior to the   City                     Efficiency      100%      97%     100%    84%      100%
         next scheduled         # 4. Strengthen future
         meeting                planning
         Provide prompt
         response to public     # 5. Improve community  Efficiency       100%     100%     100%    100%     100%
         information requests  involvement
         in 10 days or less
         Provide prompt
         response to contact    # 5. Improve community  Efficiency       100%     99%      100%    100%     100%
         “contact us”           involvement
         submissions within
         24 hours
         Conduct annual
         destruction records    # 1. Maintain the        Effectiveness      1        1        1       2         1
         which have met         financial strength of the
         State retention        City
         Posting Notices of
         All meetings, and
         possible quorum        # 5. Improve community  Efficiency       100%     100%     100%    100%     100%
         notices. Within 72     involvement
         hours of meeting
         online and outside

                 City Secretary Office at a Glance

                              Location:                         FY2024 Budget:                         Full-time
                               City Hall                                                              Employees:
                           7105 Whitley Road                        $248,250                               2

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