Page 139 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY24
P. 139
City Secretary Office
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Watauga City Secretary’s Office is to ensure continuity in the municipal legislative process
through the guardianship of City Council, Boards, Commissions, and Committees agendas, minutes, ordinances,
resolutions, board appointments and elections, as well as to promote quality service to all customers in a cost
effective and efficient manner.
Department Overview
The City Secretary serves at the discretion of the City Council and attends all City Council Meetings. Also, serves
as the City's Records Management Officer and is responsible for accurately recording, publishing, indexing, and
maintaining City Council records to include minutes, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, and other
legal documents. This office oversees a records management policy and records destruction policy to provide
efficient, economical, and effective controls over the creation, distribution, organization, maintenance, and space
allocation for all City records. It also handles requests made for City documents under the provisions of the
Public Information Act. The City Secretary also serves at the Chief Election Officer and coordinates the election
process for all City elections. This office coordinates daily communication and operations with the Mayor/Council,
prepares and executes Council packets, processes alcohol and beverage registrations and reports, issues
release of liens, and to respond to customer service complaints and issues.
Highlights/Achievements for FY2023
• Successfully oversaw the May 2023 General and Special Election.
• Destroyed approximately 250 boxes of records that reached their retention threshold in compliance with
State law and the City’s Records Management Policy.
• Responded to 195 requests for Public Information in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act
with an average response time of 4.35 days.
• The City Secretary received TMC Certification and started the International Institute of Municipal Clerks
certification program.
• Streamlined and implemented the process of record retention and created a record naming convention
to standardize and make locating records.
• Provided administrative support to the Council and all City Departments.
Goals/Objectives for FY2024
• Conduct General and other elections as required.
• Continue training for City Secretary and Assistant to the City Secretary.
• Create and implement a training program for records liaisons to ensure departments are complying with
state records retention requirements.
• Audit and identify records in storage within all departments within the City.
• Process liens in a timely and efficient manner.
• Process alcohol beverage registrations and massage permits in a timely and efficient manner.
• Respond to requests for public information in a timely and efficient manner, and in accordance with
State law.
• Coordinate the reappointment and appointment process for the City's Boards and Commissions and
maintain accurate records in the City's files and the City's website.